Beacon St. News

Hi! Unfortunately, you've caught me at an inopportune time! Beacon St. News was a cool newsletter about the rockin' No Doubt, but is currently on a serious hold due to time constraints, etc. etc.
I'm sorry that it took me so long to finally put this message up here =) I also would like to say HELLO to any of my subbers who may chance to drop by, and thanks for being so awesome.
If you are here for the first time and are not really subscribed to any ND mailing list (but would like to be), please email any of the following people to request theirs!

Sara - SundayPist
Craig - The Doghouse
JJ - News No Doubt

And while you're at it, why not check out the No Doubt International Fanclub?? It's amazing! WWW.NDIFC.COM -- Thanks!

If you have your own mailing list / newsletter that you would like me to list here, please feel free to email me =) Also, if you're up here and you no longer run yours, let me know too, okay? Thanks a WHOLE bunch!

Mail me: Jocelyn (If you didn't realize, please note the addy change, thanks!) I apologize for any trouble I may have caused or will cause with this =) Thank you so very much and have a

