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ALMOST HUMAN...but not quite!


NEW: Shop for KISS stuff on our Online Store! NEW: Pictures from the June 22 Montreal show!

Last Modified: June 25, 2000


What we've all hoped would not happen, finally has: Kiss officially announced that they will now tour for the last time. What does this mean for us die-hard KISS fans? Simply this: Enjoy it while you can, because this is it, the last chance you'll ever get to see the greatest band of all time. If you happen to get a chance to attend one of their concerts on this tour, take a moment at one point of the concert, and reflect on what KISS has done for you... I do this every time I go to a KISS concert, and believe me, it really makes you appreciate the show that much more... I have been very lucky to be able to go to 5 KISS concerts in my life. All were after the reunion. I will go see 2 more times before they call it quits. Wow, I never thought I'd say that! Throughout my life KISS has been part of me, there was always a KISS tape or CD lying around, and I always felt good whenever I listened to them. Now, everytime I slap in a KISS CD, the only thing I can think of is "damn, it's almost over..." It's up to each and every one of us to remember the modern "golden era" of KISS, and to keep the memory alive. I personally, will continue to work on this site, as my permanent statement of gratitude towards 'the boys'.

I just want to take this time to say to KISS: Thanks for the memories guys. No matter how hard it was to do what you do, we all appreciate it. I don't think you'll ever really realize how much you've affected us all. You are part of our modern culture. Years from now, people will brag about seeing you guys in concert, much like some do about seing the Beatles, or Elvis Presley. You're going to be part of the exclusive club now. Congratulations, you've earned it. Thanks for the memories.


WOW! Just got back from Portland, ME. Kiss played thursday night, and I must say, it was great! We were disappointed that the seating would be general admission, but man, did we score good seats! When we arrived at the civic center, there were at least 200 people on the south side of the building. We went around to see how long the line up was the North side, and there were only about 50 people! We were lucky enough to get in real quick when the doors finally opened aroud 6:15. We ran to the nearest doorway into the arena and went down the stairs. To my amazement, we walked right up to the front row! There were maybe 20 to 30 people there, but the stage was still very accessible. I asked one of the security staff if the chances of getting squished by the crowd were high, and he replied that it was very likely. So we opted to go to the right side of the stage up to the 3rd row. In retrospect, if I had to choose where I could sit, I would choose the seats we had. When the crowd rolled in, it was obvious the the floor would be jam-packed. We were lucky to have great seats when thousands of people not 5 feet from us were miserably packed like sardines... We started chatting with some people around us, and it turned out that the couple sitting next to us were from Nova Scotia! Very nice people indeed. His name was Larry, but I completely forget his wife's name...(Larry, let me know if you read this!). I had elected to not bring a camera, because I was so sure we were going to have lousy seats, but Larry had one. We happened to meet up with them on Friday at the Maine Mall, and they were getting the film developped, so we got a copy of them right then and there (Thanks again guys!). I will be posting these up as soon as I can, but it'll be next week at the earliest... There were more fellow Canadians sitting in front of us. It just happens that I knew one of them (hey Steve!). They also had a camera, so I'll be trying to get those also...

Shortly after we were settled in, Skid Row came out and played their set. They were pretty good. The singer sounded very similar to Sebastian Bach. They got the crowd going pretty good. The show stealer, however, was Uncle Ted. Ted Nugent came out and literaly rocked our asses off! I was never really a big fan of Nugent, but after he was done, I have been converted. He's never at a loss for words, and boy, did he show it! His showmanship is quite effective, rousing everyone up from their seats, and the music was tight. It's refreshing to see a band with only 3 members sound like a full group. I look forward to seeing him in concert again first chance I get.

While the crew was tearing down Ted's equipment, someone pointed to the entrance to the backstage area near where we were sitting. There was Doc McGee, KISS's manager! I immediateley yelled: HEY, DOC! He turned around and looked right at me. I waved to him, and he smiled and waved right back! Pretty darn cool...

Then KISS curtain came down. The crowd went ape-shit! You could feel the adrenaline in the air. We were only minutes away from the best concert on earth! Everybody rushed the stage (God I'm glad we didn't stay on the floor!) And then, the hum came over the P.A. Suddenly: ALL RIGHT PORTLAND! YOU WANTED THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST! THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD: KISS!!! What followed were two hours of absolute euphoria. Ace seemed a bit lethargic, but hey, when doesn't he? All in all, it was a great show.

Here's a little peek of the show

There were a few highlights:
It's a well known fact that some ladies like to bare it all for the boys. Well, this one particular lady, who was of above average weight (not that there's anything wrong with that!) decided that she, too, wanted to show here wares. Gene was right in front of us when he noticed her, and in between lines of the song let out a WOW... Very funny moment!
Later, when Paul noticed her, his eyes got real big, and then he turned his back to the crowd. I could see him pointing her out to Ace...
Another highlight: After his Smoke Solo, Ace walked to the mic and said in a laughing voice: I don't even smoke!

Well, that's all I have for now, but check again soon: I will post those pics, and I'll have my review of the Montreal show this Thursday!

One more thing. After the show, my wife and I were walking across the arena floor, and we bumped into Doc McGee! That's right! I couldn't believe it! I told him that we had enjoyed the show, and I wanted him to tell the boys how much we (the fans) appreciate everything that they've done over the years. I also mentionned how we had driven 600 miles for this concert, and that we were planning to go to Montreal to see them again next week. We shook hands and he turned to speak to more people. I was ecstatic! I never imagined that this would happen! I have such great memories of this concert. Thanks for letting me share them with you!


KISS rock Montreal!

Hi everyone! Just got back from Montreal, and boy did we score! I brought in my Sony Mavica digital camera into the concert. I also brought a pair of binoculars. I had experimented using the 2 together to get close up shots, and it works pretty good. I've posted all the pictures here!

Fell free to sign my guestbook to let me know what you think. Enjoy!

NEW: Finally, now you can get all your KISS CD's and Videos through ALMOST HUMAN! Please check it out, there's lots of KISS stuff there. I've ordered many times from these guys, and the process is quick and easy. Also, by buying at CD NOW through us, you'll help keep ALMOST HUMAN open. Please support this web site. Thanks.
Just click on the CDNOW logo below, type in KISS in the Artist Search box at the top of the screen and you're on your way. It's that easy.


NEW: We are now an AMAZON.COM affiliate. Please feel free to use the search box below to find many KISS related (or anything else, for that matter!) items on AMAZON.COM. They are probably on of the best sites out there, and UI am proud to be associate with them. Please help support this web site, and get great KISS stuff while you're at it too!

Pre-order KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child here!

Order the Second Coming DVD here!

Order Dale Sherman's Black Diamond : Unauthorized Biography of Kiss here!

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I am presently working on opening a complete Online Store for KISS material, so keep checking here, you never know what you'll find!

Hi there! My name is Patrick.
I'd like to thank you for coming to my little corner of the web.
It's not much, but it's cozy!

Let me start by telling you a bit more about myself...
I've been a KISS fan for about 22 years. It all started when I was 4 years old. I have three older brothers (the oldest is 11 years older than I am) and they were teenagers when the KISS phenomenon hit hard. I remember spending saturday afternoons watching my brother Steve sing and act out in a very KISS manner while listening to Dressed to Kill and Rock 'n' Roll Over. I can honestly say that KISS was basically programmed into me from then on. Between the Wall Of Posters in Steve's room, the constant coverage of KISS on TV, and the repeated playing of KISS records on our old stereo, the KISS way of living was pounded into me until it was completely embedded in the deepest corners of my soul.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not as if I live my life thinking that there's nothing else worth a damn except KISS. On the contrary, I see that KISS spawned a very broad range of artists who attribute them with being the reason for their getting into music.

I've been fortunate enough to be able to see KISS in concert eight times (and believe me, for someone living in Northern New Brunswick, Canada; That's quite a feat!).

Here's a shot from the Quebec show (We didn't try to sneak a camera in Portland for fear of losing the right to see the me paranoid!).

KISS at their best!

I'd like to introduce to you a great bunch of guys I know. They are Black Diamond: The Ultimate Tribute to KISS. They're one of many KISS tribute bands out there, but (IMHO) are probably one of the best out there!

Click on the picture below to go to my Black Diamond Shrine. It has some cool pictures of me and the Band (in full makeup!).

Click for my Black Diamond Shrine!

I'll be setting up what I hope to be a respectable KISS fan Web Site. I hope you'll come often, I plan on really making a user friendly Web Site for Die-Hard Fans.
If you have any suggestions, I would be more than happy to consider them for this page.

If you have any suggestions for this Web Page, Email me at
or sign my Guest-book. Thanks!
Please come back soon and visit me.

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times since November 16, 1997.

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