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Storm Cloud Soaring High

Welcome to my little contribution to the 'net! 

Last page update: 9/23/01


Hey peoples! I'm Stormy, and... well, actually, I'm not Stormy (it's my screen name), but deal. I'm not really sure the purpose of this page yet, but it's gonna rock. (This background is soooo cool!) Anyhow, it's mostly going to be about famous peeps, cuz I'm obsessed with so many of them. I will try to update as much as possible, but don't get impatient if I don't for awhile sometimes. After all, ideas for the page don't just bop onto the screen all by themselves... Have fun!


Tommy  Lee Jones


A Fictional Story- "Sebring, FL  33872"

A Shout-out to all my friends!

About ME!
(Includes pics of me and my ppl!) 1/3/01

Okay, I don't know what's up with my guestbook, but somehow all the entries got deleted! How, I haven't the *slightest* clue! So, please, sign the guestbook, even if you have before... Thanx!

Sign My GuestbookGuestbook by GuestWorldView My Guestbook

You are visitor numbersince 1/14/98! 

Merci beaucoup pour la visite! 


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Disclaimer: As you can probably tell, I am not a professional or anything. As a matter of fact, I have pretty much no clue what I'm doing. I've gotten different images from different pages, and some of them, I can't even remember where I got them. So, if I have any pictures that are yours and you don't want them on my page, calmly inform me of it, and I will take them down. Like, please don't sue me or anything! Thank-you!