Just a bit of history...I got connected onto the Net on August 22nd, 1997 and still going strong. I'm continuously updating this page and adding more stuff to this so if something doesnt work, it will soon. Be a little patient, I'ma busy boy! Below is a pic of me that I had my modelling agency do (hence the writing!).

Just a short (sort of) character description of myself, my pics say the rest but here is a start. I am male of course, 23 years
old, born in July 1978, which makes my zodiac sign Cancer (69). I have a few
hobbies, like exercising at the gym (I practically live there). Play golf a few times a year, some cycling, walking, swimming, socialising with friends (clubs & pubs) and so on - You should be able to find me in Chapel St Bridie O'Riellies Irish Pub (I'm not Irish, I just like the place!).
I love Fords, as you can see by the logo (FORD POWER) (fast and furious!)
My favourite show would have to be...
I love to party, of which I also like to dance, especially
if the company is right. I love my dance music (as well as just about all other music) My constant movements prevents me from sleeping on weekends. My nationality is Italian, but I was born and
have lived in Australia all my life. The city in which I live is Melbourne. I like it here where I am living, the weather's okay, the people are friendly, there are plenty of places to go, things to do.
Well, that is about all I can add at this point. You can visit my other personal links listed below and tell me or rather give me advice on what else I
can add.
I have my own Basketball Team and its run by Simgalaxy.
My Team name is The Westy Wanna-Beez and I'm into my third season. Below here is my team Logo...Its pretty cute eh?
Click ***HERE*** to check out my (incomplete) Basketball website. Its mainly setup there so Simgalaxy can pickup my team mascot logo thingy...
Well, thanks for stopping by. Oh and by the way, I have an ICQ account, my number is 13160154. I'm also lised on MSN Instant Messenger...just look around for me via my email address...(mazzone69@hotmail.com)
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General Pic's of ME...(updated regularly)
My 21st B'day Pics (July 19th, 1999)
My SKY-DIVING ADVENTURE!!! (Jan 15-16th, 2000)
My Queensland Holiday (Aust.) January 2nd-14th 2000
My Bali Holiday (24/6 - 4/7/01)
South Australian Adventure (9 - 13/7/01)
My Backyard (from 16/02/01)
Contact me Personally
Last updated 6 June, 2003
Just a final Solute... this is Yours Truely at Bridie O'Reilly's on the 7th of July. Grungy Band "Chomp" were playing and I happened to be up front! Check this out. (I'm the wog in the middle wearing black)