Free Diamond's Page

(Or at Least an Excuse for One)

SOME HIDDEN TEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe that this many people have visited me? YOU DO? Wow you're gullable...

In case anyone really cares, I'm Brian and this is my excuse for a web page. On these pages you will see, well, not much more than a few pictures, and maybe sounds, just a brief representation of what kind of a person I am at times.

This is a TOTALLY new page from scratch, nothing borrowed from any of my past (sad) pages.

These are the sites that are probably working now:

Um, This is Me!

And this is my car history. Yeah, it's strange, but so am I!

Vegas 2003 Pictures

This page is best viewed with a web browser, unless you can picture html in your head. Use whatever browser you want to.

If for some odd reason you wanna contact me, I'm on EVERYTHING!

MS Instant Messenger!
Yahoo Instant Messenger!
AOL Instant Messenger!

Created with Microsoft Notapad! (I don't need no stinkin' html editor!)

This page Copywrite B. C. Hart Enterprises. Now why would I wanna copywrite this? Wouldn't YOU want to know!

If I have anything from your site that you do not want me to use, simply let me know and I will take the proper measures to fix the problem. I am a nice kind af person in that way!
Uh, Bye!