(Voice by Pierce
Brosnan in the The Lawnmower Man)
So, I’ve decided to take my work back underground
To stop it falling into the wrong hands
Break & Enter (Vocals by Baby D)
Bring it down to earth (Note)
Bring it down to earth
Bring it down to earth
Their Law ("What we’re dealing with here..." sample taken from the film Smokie And The Bandit; Other vocals by Clint Mansell, the ex-frontman of Pop Will Eat Itself)
What we’re dealing with here is a total
lack of respect for the law
Fuck the law but you can’t beat the law
Fuck the law but you can’t beat the law
Fuck the law but you can’t beat the law
Fuck ’em and their law
Crack down at sundown
Fuck ’em and their law
Full Throttle (Source of vocals: Star Wars)
We’re going full throttle (Distorted)
Voodoo People ("The voodoo, who-do..." vocals by Gylan Kain)
Magic people, voodoo people
The voodoo, who-do-what-you-don’t-dare-to-people
The voodoo, who-do-what-you-don’t-dare-to-people
The voodoo
The voodoo, who-do-what-you-don’t-dare-to-people
The voodoo, who-do-what-you-don’t-dare-to-people
Voodoo people, magic people, voodoo people, magic people
(Theme from Fastlane)
Fly away, fly away...
The Heat (The Energy) (Source of vocals: Poltergeist III)
Can you feel it?
The energy, the heat
The energy, the heat
Liam, someone on the phone for you
Oh, fuck’s sake, tryin’
to write this fucking tune, man
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(In the background: Boom, bah!)
(Also in the background: Hit the ground)
I got the poison, I got the poison
I got the poison, I got the poison
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pressure, the pressure
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy
I got the poison, I got the remedy
I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy
No Good (Start The Dance) (Female vocals: Kelly Charles)
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum? (Distorted)
Come on, who can, who can, can hear the bass drum?
You’re no good for me
I don’t need nobody
Don’t need no-one
That’s no good for me
You’re no good for me
I don’t need nobody
Don’t need no-one
That’s no good for me
You’re no good for me
I don’t need nobody
Don’t need no-one
That’s no good for me
Love (Vocals
by an Arabic muezzin)
Allah, allah (Note)
Allah, allah
Allah, allah
Claustrophobic Sting (Source of vocals: 2001: A Space Odyssey) (Note)
My mind is glowing
My mind is glowing
My mind is glowing
Please tell me if you have any corrections to these lyrics!
1) Break & Enter: For quite a while,
I was in the belief that the lyric was Break
it down to earth, but then when I listened
to the original sample (in the Baby D
song called Casanova),
I realized that it's in fact Bring it down
to earth (the singing is much clearer in the
2) Their Law: several people told me that they thought it was I’m the law, but you can’t beat the law. Sorry, but I disagree with this - just listen to this audio sample (taken directly from the CD) - I even amplified the first Fuck the law part, so that you’ll hear it easier. BUT there’s a possibility that in some cases the live version has I’m the law, as was reported by some who went to their American gigs in June 1998. If you are still uncertain, just email me.
3) Full Throttle: To be going full throttle means to be going at full speed.
4) One Love: It’s not absolutely sure the muezzin (a man who calls others to the mass) is saying Allah, but very likely (please don’t write me emails telling me he’s saying One Love - you must admit it would be quite strange from the mouth of an Arabic muezzin, wouldn’t it?) But as it sounds like One Love in English, the song was given this title.
5) Claustrophobic
Sting: The expression claustrophobic sting
probably means an attack of claustrophobia (an abnormal fear of being in
enclosed or small places).