Updated March1, 1998

Although I doubt this has any significance, I will be updating my webpage over the summer sometime..eliminating and adding some things, so keep ckecking my page if you actually like it, or ask me to e mail you when it has been completed.

Within this page you shall find hopefully all that you initally wished to seek by entering in the first place. Included in here is information and photographs of Type O Negative, and many links to other such related bands and sites. This page is constantly under construction, so come back often if you are the least bit interested in what I have to offer. Please show me a sign of gratitude by signing my guestbook and giving me any suggestions and comments that you wish to share.


Type O Negative - the link to probablly the most information you will ever find on Type O over the net (you just have to navigate a bit) including links to The Common Vein webring, and UBL containing almost all of the Type O sites out there. Also included are many photographs of the band, and individual shots. Tour dates, news and info, and information on how to contact the band and/or join their mailing list. STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

links - Included in here are links to various other sites of various other bands that I like, things I support, and the sites of a few of my acquaintances.



sign my guestbook view my guestbook


If you have any questions or comments and/or wish to degrade your webpage by linking it to this one, please mail me your URL and I will see if the webpage is appropriate for the "vibe" presented here.

E-Mail: Capi1@rocketmail.com


..Guestbook by

webpage construction and design by ME ©1998