
Learn Guitar through software ( hey, it's cheaper than taking lessons.. )
There will be free: tablature, chords, lyrics, links, pictures, & info for the following artists & groups: Hendrix, Pearl Jam, The Doors, Soundgarden, STP, Everclear, The Who, Smashing Pumpkins, Led Zeppelin, 311, Blink 182, Kidrock, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sublime,Clapton, Steve Miller Band, The Grateful Dead, Nirvana, Metallica, Korn, Bare Naked Ladies, Rolling Stones, Silverchair, Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, BB King, Oasis, AC/DC, and more groups ( that I am forgetting.) +you can find tablature books, lyric books, and theory books. You can also learn: scales,chords,how to use capos, how to play licks, riffs, fingerpicking, theory, bass, slide, improvisation & more.
APR/07/00= Check out some flash 4 design I've been working on. FLASH4
SEPT/22/98=Join "THE FRETBOARD" discussion group.
AUG/22/98=Purchased: www.newhorizon.net & www.webraptor.com