Performance Snowboarding

Thanks for stopping by..enjoy yourself here!!

Coming soon - More of my own art work, better than the last stuff.

On ICQ my name is Crimson Dawn, my id# is 8592812, andon mIRC it's CrimsonDawne, look me up sometime!

Hi my name is Acid Annie and this is my own homepage...this is my first attempt and as you can see it's well underway, so thanks to all who stopped by.....thanks! If ya want some cool links in the mean while scroll down and check them out! Or if you want to see a picture of me click here Thanks a who lot! Thanks for the patience....much the meantime I would like to shout out a hello to all my kiddies at WLSO 90.1 at Lake Superior State University, yes i'm talking to you DJ SA(aka Scott - the cutie ~grin~), The guys at Phi Zeta House, DJ Big Perm, DJ Bocifus, the DJ's on Screw the Soo and the Sisters of the Apocolypse! Keep it going kiddies! And you out in cyber land, scroll down for the station link!
Bradyfest 2000 - If your a Brady or related to one, check the page out, family reunion upcoming.

LIMP BIZKIT - check it out

The top Animation School in Canada..or is that North America???

KORN...enough said there...they rock!..check 'em out!

Acid Annie's Opinion Page, don't like it shove it!

Attention Snowboarders...check here for all your needs!

The Official Site for OurLadyPeace - Great Canadian Band

The Official Fan Site for Green Day!!!

Acid Annie's snowboarding page....some awsome stuff and always updating. Canadian snowboard rankings from the 98/99 season.

Performance Snowboarding
BEASTIE BOYS!! come on, they have been around for most of our generation and we grew up on them, everyone give 'em a chance and say 'HELLO NASTY!!!'

My OurLadyPeace Tribute

...and for all those who beleive in the stars here is the Salem Tarot site, very cool stuff.

...just some drawings of mine, sorry about the one which is huge...if you can help me fix it...just email me.

The moment you have all waited for...the link to the radio station where I used to DJ...90.1 WLSO!!!!...*crowd roars*, no really, i used to DJ there and we only have a broadcasting area of about 10 miles, which sucks, but who cares, come to my town and check it out!.

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