Xera's Library
of rare pictures and interviews with the Smashing Pumpkins
This is a library containing pictures and interviews with the Smashing Pumpkins that I consider to be 'rare'. They are divided into several collections, which are named after their owners. If you want to use a picture for your page, please ask first. If you want to contribute to the library, please contact me. Thank you.
[reading room] [projection room] [reference room]
02 sept 07: Thank you for participating in the poll. You voted for Flickr. Unfortunately I can't get that many pictures onto Flickr and I lack the funds to get a Pro account so I guess that's not an option. :-(
Poll: Do you think I should publish these rare pictures ...
- on Flickr or something like it
- as zip files for easy downloading
- no, this webpage is enough
- I don't know
Please click the appropriate answer.
As you can see I've created a poll. This poll enables me to tell if there is still a "need" for pumpkin pictures. Initially I thought that maybe people weren't so interested anymore in my website after SP split up. But people kept visiting this website. Not as much as they used to, but still quite a few. If you have a chance, let me know what you want. Maybe you want more pictures? Maybe you want tags? Just drop me a note and let me know. I'll be happy to hear from you.14 feb 07: Zeitgeist is being released on 07.07.07. I wonder if there will be new pictures for me to put on my website? 11 jul 05: My email address doesn't seem to work. If you want to contact me try this email address and remove NOSPAM (hope this prevents spam) 26 nov 04: John Peel, of "Peel Sessions" fame, died today. Read his obituary here. 31 may 04: Changed Stacey's email address at her request. 14 nov 03: Another picture at the photo gallery, the now defunct Zwan. 13 jul 03: A new picture at the photo gallery and a new collection called the Zwan Collection which includes an interview plus pictures from this months' RockSound Magazine. They will take some time to load! 12 mar 03: Two new pictures at the photo gallery 27 dec 02: Gosh has it really been this long? Well, I've got a great treat for you. Check out Mike Huete's photoalbum of Zwan pictures! 18 july 02: Georg has donated pictures from some concerts in Germany. Check them out Goodbye to Germany Collection! 07 apr 02: New stills at the stills gallery from the Smashing Pumpkins documentary 02 apr 02: Uploaded scans of the Rotten Apples booklet to the Rotten Apples Collection at Tasha's request 24 mar 02: Finally managed to get a better picture of the LOSER t-shirt, in Chapter 13 16 feb 02: Replaced large files with thumbnails and gave the site an old victorian theme 07 dec 01: A brand new collection has been added: the Beautiful Glitter Collection! 09 sep 01: Picture of Billy at a New Order gig in the photo gallery 16 aug 01: Have a look at ten new pictures in the brand new Set the Ray to Greece collection! 08 aug 01: There's another picture in the Pretty Ego Tripper collection thanks to the wonderful Kathleen! 03 aug 01: Added a picture to the Pretty Ego Tripper collection. Check back in a few days to see the brandnew Set the Ray to Greece Collection. 31 jul 01: Hello all! There will be a new collection in a few week or so, so stay tuned! 23 jun 01: Added webring 21 feb 01: Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've run out of material. I did manage to find three new pictures though. 08 jan 01: Some minor updates, renamed old picture (thanks Justin) and added Cynthia's site to the Annotated Bookmarks 31 dec 00: New picture in the photo gallery 25 dec 00: Added a picture to the Pretty Ego Tripper collection 03 dec 00: Thanks to Lucia I could add another great link to the Annotated Bookmarks 26 oct 00: Added a scan to the Exceptionae 22 oct 00: MANY thanks to Kathleen, who helped me solve my problems with the broken links! 21 oct 00: Added some new links to the Annotated Bookmarks 13 oct 00: Thanks to Jessica, there are new pics in the SaidSadly Collection! 12 oct 00: I don't know how to fix the broken links, but if you click them they WILL take you to the picture. Don't now how, but they do. 08 oct 00: I'm trying to fix the broken links, sorry about the inconvenience. 06 oct 00: Introducing a brand new collection, the Zerospaced Collection and added a new picture to the Pretty Ego Tripper Collection 05 oct 00: Fixed some mistakes. Thanks to Vanessa for telling me. 02 oct 00: Added one new picture to the Pretty Ego Tripper collection, plus two links to the Annotated Bookmarks. 30 sep 00: Two new pictures in the photo gallery 17 sep 00: Added eight pictures to the Pretty Ego Tripper Collection 16 sep 00: These people from Q magazine obviously have a grudge against Billy, even in this tiny picture .... 29 aug 00: A picture of Melissa and some friends can be found at the Pretty Ego Tripper Collection 25 aug 00: Addition to the Pretty Ego Tripper Collection 25 aug 00: There's a new picture of Billy in Chapter 11 19 aug 00: Added a link to the Annotated Bookmarks 13 aug 00: please support the One Last Kiss project by clicking here 13 aug 00: A new collection, the Pretty Ego Tripper collection! 13 aug 00: Added four screencaps to the Stills Collection 01 aug 00: You can find some great new pictures in the Kaboom Collection. Many thanks to Caroll, once again! 20 may 00: Maybe I should warn you because I don't want to get into trouble: the_Naked_Man really *is* naked! You can find the tribute to the_Naked_Man in the Stills section. 20 may 00: I completely forgot to upload my new scan. Stupid me :) 19 may 00: Updated Misc, and added two new sections: the Naked Man tribute and the SIYL-video stills. 19 may 00: I made some minor corrections and I added one new picture to the Photo Collection. 10 may 00: Added an article from Rocksound to the Reading room 05 may 00: This picture makes me really sad ... a picture of D'arcy after her plastic surgery can be found in the Ka Boom collection. Merci á Caroll Courtenais! 11 apr 00: Added one new picture to the Photo Collection in the Projection Room. 02 apr 00: Completely off topic but I wanted to include it anyway ... a quote from BC about librarians. So now I know why people always stare at me when I'm at work in the library!!! *blush* 02 apr 00: Two new pictures in the Exceptionae, courtesy of Julie Grills. 31 mar 00: I'm very proud to present a brand new collection to you: Scott's Pumpkin Dream with 5 pictures from the Pumpkins back in 1991 31 mar 00: Added a link to the Annotated Bookmarks. 13 mar 00: I added a link to the Annotated Bookmarks. Take a look, they have a picture of Billy as a youngster. 10 mar 00: At long last: I typed up the entire Select article. 03 mar 00: Added two interviews from Q, which explain why Sharon Osbourne left. The first one is the explanation, the second one is the reason why. 03 mar 00: Added five more scans to the Exceptionae. 02 mar 00: Finally here: the Ka Boom collection, the updates in the Projection Room, one addition to the Exceptionae, finally updated the Bibliography and the Summary. Phew. Sorry it took so long, but I think my computer troubles are over now. Hopefully ;-) 25 feb 00: Soon to come: the Kaboom Collection! 16 feb 00: I will add the Select and the Q article as soon as possible. IF my computer doesn't crash first :-/ 14 feb 00: Added scans of Billy, Melissa and James from Select magazine. I will fix things later 13 feb 00: Computer crash. Again. Sigh. 21 jan 00: Updated the annotated bookmarks. 13 jan 00: Received 5 fantastic pictures from Stacey. Warning: the pictures are huge! 05 jan 00: Happy newyear everyone! I uploaded two scans.
Have fun and please come back soon!
Email me at xera@smashing-pumpkins.com. The "victorian" pictures have all been taken from Old Fashioned Clipart, which is a great site so go and have a look! Oh, and here is my autobiography. A very short one. Boring too.
My URL: http://come.to/example
I got it for free at http://come.to
This As she counted the spiders site owned by Caroll.
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