NS Lookup 2
Famous Java GUI based nslookup (DNS client) utility.
Now with DNSmessage API class - the best way to add resolve mechanism in your own Java applications. Please visit the product page .

Great American Journey
San Francisco
a story about my travel to San Francisco in June, 1998 de.
NS Lookup 2
[Product page], [DNSmessage API]
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[San Francisco]de[On the road]
Other products
[Port scanner], [Bloody tetris], [Chart applet]
RAW2 project
[RAW2 product page]
Ketsle 2000

Homo Ketslicus
   From 1974 to 2000. A hard way of evolution from stone to keyboard.
homo ketslikus
Geschlecht: maennlich
Nahrung: Nuesse, Wurzeln, Bier
Lebensalter: 24 Jahre
Groesse: 1,93 Meter, 90-95 kg
Sprache: unklar
Verhalten: aggresiv, boese, muede
i am very sorry for: 1) many windows, that opens every time you access this page. That is because of my free web hosting in geocities.com. 2) long URL. That is also because of geocities. 3) ununderstoobility - any material here written on one of the following languages: russian, bad english, schlecht Deutsch and Java :)). Okay, it is not because of geocities.
(c) Ketsle Alexander, 1999. ketsle@usa.net