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" A girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting, was in the end the most hunted person of the modern age."

- Earl Spencer, Diana's brother -

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The People's Princess

Princess Diana was killed in a tragic car crash on August 31st, 1997. This was sadly only 16 days before her youngest son Harry turned 13. He and his older brother William will now have to face their lives without their mother.

Diana had two boys with her husband Charles, Prince of Wales. They are William and Henry, often referred to as Will and Harry. Diana was extremely fond of her two boys. She tried to give them as much of a "normal" life as possible. Sometimes this meant having to break Royal traditions. She spent most of her time with them. She loved them unconditionally and often showed it. This was something that they showed, too. Once when William was a little boy he told his mother " I want to be a policeman so I can look after you, Mummy." They are the ones I feel for the most. While we lost someone who was considered a hero to us, they lost their mother.

Diana was the person who helped the people of England become more fond of the Royal Family and many wonder if they will go downhill after Princess Diana's death. It is said that if there is someone who will be able to keep them from going downhill, besides Diana, it would be the future King of England, Diana's oldest son, Prince William. Some say that he is already showing signs of his mother in him.

People thought she had a "fairy tale" life, but yet it was not. In 1992, 13 years after she had married Prince Charles, they got a divorce. Something she said she didn't want to happen, and only agreed because it was what her husband wanted. Yet after being publicly bashed from the press to the Royals themselves she still had all of her dignity.

Princess Diana was involved with helping many numerous charities. When asked why she replied "There are many people in the world who need to be loved and someone has got to do it." Some of the proceeds from memorabilia about her will be donated to her favorite charities. She shocked the world by touching and hugging people that had AIDS, leprosy, and other deadly diseases. She showed that AIDS could not be contracted from simply hugging or touching a person with the disease.

Throughout her sixteen years of being with the Royal family, and being the Princess we all admired, she touched so many lives. She set some many examples to people throughout the world. We all can only hope that her spirit will live on forever as we know her memory will.

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Diana and her sons William and Harry

In Time

Rising up from this small bed
I reach high
but not high enough to reach her arm
mothers hair blows softly in the wind
and I rock
I see her cry with her favorite novel
the one with the worn edge
and watermarked pages
its the one with the happy ending
the one that dreams are made of
but destiny destroyed
mother once said time healed all wounds
In time my wounds will heal too

This poem is dedicated to Princess Diana and her children who will be remembered.

©1997 Nicholas Paulin. All Rights Reserved.

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