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(Feb. 02, 2000)
News: After a long amount of delays (for far too many reasons to list in an area such as this) we have decided to put the Sub/Stance compilation series on hold until we decide otherwise. Our initial intentions in doing the Sub/Stance series was to be able to put out comps with a lot of good bands that felt strongly about a cause and help it raise money to support that cause, as well as raise awareness for it. The third comp that we started working on turned into a huge nightmare with over half of the bands flaking out and it just ended up being more trouble than it was worth to finish. we have decided to abort this project for now. to us its not worth it to put out a half assed comp in order to just put something out. we would rather put the project on hold for now and eventually come out with something taht we are happy with that we feel is genuine, and not just another release for the sake of releasing it. We would like to thank all the bands that DID come through with their stuff. if you are one of those bands and would still like for your song to be contributed to a benefit compilation please email us at catchphrazerecs_@hotmail.com and we'll let you know of some other comps that are in need of bands to help support great causes.
If the time comes when we feel that it will be worth the effort to do another compilation with Sub/Stance, then we will do it. But until that time, we are putting all future plans with Sub/Stance on hold. We are still continueing with our label Catchphraze Records as normal with a bunch of new releases coming out as well as a bunch of new stuff coming into the distro, as well as continuing to make compilation tapes of old and hard to find material available for non - profit prices (see the tape section of our distro for more info on that). If you have any questions on anything please feel free to contact us. thanks & take care!

you are numbersince 1-13-98.