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NEW FOR THE Holiday SEASON!!! My Brand New Web Page called the RSTM Page (Religion Stops a Thinking Mind) It's very new and I'll add cool stuff to it very very soon.
Remember, there are always tacos to feel good.
© 1997
This site has recieved over three hundred votes!!! It has won a three star award!!!
This is my tribute to all that is good in the world...most of which y'all probably haven't heard of...that's the point...there is a lotto great shit in the world that few are aware of. This is in no way an insult to the artists within...this is me telling them that they deserve many tacos and everyone should worship their filthy socks and buy them tacos.
Coming soon...Pics of me and some friends, plus Josh the "not-so wonderous" Wonder Dog.
Why Tacos you might ask. Because it is a fun word that is often overlooked in the colorful word mirage...yeah yeah artistic of me.
Included here are...kickass poets...musicians and but of course, hot teen actor boy Joey Gordon-Levitt.(Note:He signed my guestbook, check it out yo! And oh yes, i have proof that he did, it's legit.)
So enjoy....this is education at it's very best.
This page will soon be updated with cool backgrounds (as opposed to this solid color shit) and further social commentary such as My thoughts on military school and religion. Also, I'll be posting further writing and there will be someinfo on kickass bands like Cibbo Matto, Tricky, Portishead and king missile (including an interview with John S.Hall). In other words, this may start looking like an actual page.
Also, i got ICQ, my name is marabou22 or send me an AOL instant message at mstrlunacy or more likely TrickEkid2. Feel free to write and say hi whenever.
If anyone is at this site looking for info on other people besides Joey, let me know, this page is dedicated to many talented people and i'm sick of it becoming a teeny bopper hangout. Let me know if you visited for info on the others.
Photos of Me and My Friends
Favorites-My favorite novels, music and movies
Jim's Big Ego-Folk that's not actually boring
Maggie Estep-Kick ass Spoken Word Performer Songstress and Novelist(includes interview)
Joey Gordon-Levitt--Cause he's kinda Hot and a sweet actor and good guy
Michael Stipe-The Artist who has never been named with a symbol
Quotes page, from friends and other funky peoples
Writing-Short Stories and Poems by me.
The Gay Community-Why I'm Disillusioned.
This site has recieved over three hundred votes!!! It has won a three star award!!!
Links to other sites on the Web
Jim's Perty Lil' Official Page
Maggie's Purple-ish Official Not Normal Girl Page
My boy Colin's Page...for his infamous Atrophy Zine (see his "travel" section and click on hartford for a funny article on the weekend he visited me from NY.)
The Anti-Looks Jessica Roy
Matt Gross's site-Perty kewl shit about um well Matt
Awesome Joey Site named after a line of my own crush poem #2-Sniff, i'm flattered.
Indirect 7 page-My friend's punk band
My friend Whyle Kye's Page
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