Hi there
I'm Wild Drummer. My real name is Glade Roberts
My interests are:
Music (especially drumming and playing guitar. I love to write and record my own music)
and playing with my wife!
I was the Manager of a candy factory and I made candy. That made me a "Candy Man" at Olivier's Candies. We made chocolates and hard candies. It is all done by hand. If ever in Calgary.. stop by the factory and get some chocolates. You will love it.
Now I am finished College in Lethbridge so I can become a Geomatic Engineering Technician. I have completed the two year program and have received my diploma. It took about 4 months to get a job but was employed by ALL WEST SURVEYS LTD. I worked out in the field in various places in Southern Alberta. Riding around in the rough country side in trucks and quads is a blast. The weather has been good so far but when it starts to get cold, it will really not be a barrel of monkeys. I worked with them for just over a year a few months. Then I have been able to get a job with another survey company called FOCUS CORPORATION LTD. I am using my drafting skills in AutoCAD and drafting Subdivisions, Real Property Reports, and condominiums. It was great working there.
Presently I am working for a company called Alberta Line Find. It is a company that does locating of pipe and underground facilities. Part of what I had learned while surveying had trained me to use the locating equipment. I have been doing quite well at it I think. Started work with Linefind about March or April of 2006. Not a bad company to work for. Just wish the pay was better. It also means I am able to be home more often than surveying so I can see my family. Man I love my family. Still miss them a lot!

That is me on the left
I also have interests. I like art. I have been known to draw... one day I
will scan one and post it up on the page here. I am not that good. RATS!
Email me at
My page before I updated it said that I was engaged. Well to do some updating I have to say that being married is great. The woman I married is so very wonderful. Life is sweet. We are broke but I think if I had to choose between being broke along with this elated happiness against being rich and lonely.. I would choose being happy and broke. Well here goes for trying to get rich and be happy too eh? *L* I am trying to work at getting a little richer. I think i could like that too!!!
We both love dancing, singing, and being close. I love you Susan!!!!!!!! Here is a picture of my bride and the mixture of the two families. It is called INSTA-FAMILY. We have a very enjoyable time. Laughs and tears. Life is grand. We love ya all.
If you want to see a pictorial journey...though some of my past.... (I will
be adding some as I go along and get more scanned) try
Photos of my Basketball Days
Please come back soon and visit me.
Updated July 14,2006.
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