- Contents
- Last updated - 11th March 2000
- additions to Articles & Interviews
- Heat [22.2.00]
- Melody Maker [2.2.00]
- Mojo [March 2000]
- New Musical Express [19.2.00 & 26.2.00]
- OK [3.8.99]
- Q [April 2000]
- Spin [March 2000]
- Uncut March 2000]
- additions to News
- Melody Maker [2.2.00, 16.2.00 & 23.2.00]
- New Musical Express [19.2.00 & 26.2.00]
- additions to Album & Single Reviews
- Alternative Press [March 2000]
- Big Issue [7.2.00]
- FHM [April 2000]
- Heat [10.2.00 & 2.3.00]
- Mojo [March 2000]
- Muse [25.2.00]
- New Musical Express [26.2.00]
- Spin [February 2000]
- Sunday Times, The [27.2.00]
- Times, The [26.2.00]
- additions to Record Releases
- new section for Hong Kong
- new section for Israel
- new section for Russia
- update for Australia
- update for Japan: retail
- update for Europe: retail & promos
- update for South Africa
- update for UK: retail
- update for UK: promos
- update for USA
- additions to Compilation Appearances
- update for Various Artists
- additions to TV & Radio Appearances
- update for Interviews 1999/2000
- additions to Sessions
- update for 1999/2000
- Last updated - 11th March 2000
- recent arrivals at chez FAQ
- Fuckin' In The Bushes promos
- UK 1-track 12"
- Go Let It Out promos
- Australian 1-track cds
- UK 1-track cds
- UK 3-track cds
- UK 1-track 12"
- US 1-track cds; 2-track cds
- Euro 1-track cd
- UK video
- Go Let It Out retail
- Australian 12", cds
- European 12", cds
- UK cds, 12", 7" & cassette
- Japanese cds
- Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants promos
- US cdlp
- UK cdlp, UK casslp
- "demos" cdlp
- Japanese cdlp
- Standing On The Shoulder Of Giantsretail
- Asian cdlp with Neck Rope
- Japanese cdlp
- UK cdlp; md
- US cdlp [edit & unedit]; cdlp + GLIO cds
- Posters
- Live 2000 UK tour
- Q "St. Liam"
- Bolton gigs
- Wembley gigs
- SOTSOG & GLIO promos
- Chateau De Colle Noire, Montauroux, Var, France
- The chateau where Oasis recorded the new album - a mere snip to rent at £3,600 per week for 10 or less, £6,990 for 11 or more. In August this rises to £7,970 for any number of guests.
- Sleeps 24. Pool, tennis court, lawns, grand piano. Electricity, phone and heating extra. Cook on request. Only 45-minute drive from Nice.
- And you can even search the site!! Technology, eh!
- Take care.
- Andrew
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since 1.3.98.
© 2000 Andrew Turner
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