Hi, You've come to Brian Apt's Homepage. Do you like it?(I don't...I think it sucks.) So I'm a dork what can I say? I finally updated my pic. It was taken on Thanksgiving 2002, so it's pretty much what I look like now. I keep trying to update the page as much as I can I'm always adding new links so swing on down to the bottom of the page and check 'em out!
If anyone has any ideas sign my guestbook and tell me.
Please come back and visit me. I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!
If you don't want to come back to my page, that's great. YOU CAN BITE ME!!!! :P
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This is my baby! My car, My 1998 Dodge Neon R/T, 5-speed manual, near 200hp. This pic doesn't show all my toys. I've added clear tailights, clear marker lights, clear marker lights, white Cobra Eyes, and white underbody neons. I've also added a performance fuel rail, and an Iceman cold air intake. I used to hate Neons with a passion until I test drove this one. This little baby'll scream. Damn I love this car. CLICK ON THE R/T FOR MORE PICS OF MY BABY!!
I've got a weird idea, how 'bout you guys that come look at my page actually sign the guest book....What a concept....
"Oh My God! They killed Kenny!!! You bastards!" This page is dedicated to all my friends that have stuck by me in everything that has happened and everything stupid I have done(Which is alot!). I love you guys. © 1997 Blue_neonrt@hotmail.com
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