Hi. I’m melodylaughter. There’s a Velvet Underground jam by that name too, available in their boxed set. Geocities wanted a username from me, and that's what they got.

Welcome. Or “Boy Howdy!,” as some might say. (Nope, I’m not affiliated with Creem but it was always my favorite mag. If it was yours too I think you’ll like it here.) Although I don’t anticipate any java applets or audio clips just yet, let me entertain you. This site is about words, lots and lots of words. Let’s have some fun with them.
We have here a Psychedelic Den Of Iniquity, and it’s located in the SunsetStrip/Underground neighborhood, meaning what? Hopefully we’ll be doing things our parents are better off not knowing about, while listening to music designed to drive them out of the cellar so we can cultivate our mushrooms in peace.
Nah. It just means that I have a lot of albums, some rather involved thoughts about some of them...and the wisdom to know the difference? Of course not. So I write a little.

So many of my favorite songs, albums and artists tend to fall under somebody-or-other's categorization of “psychedelic,” and we’ll see as we go along whether such accusations are justified.
Early-2004 Update (or, “Obligatory new verbiage meant to prevent Yahoo/Geo from deleting this site”)
I've been meaning to get back to this site for years, to make much-needed changes and updates. I didn’t always have my facts straight. Who among us ever does? My priority was to entertain whoever might be out there with an engaging little rant. Nowadays I feel that too much of what’s in here is more opinion than fact, but have been too busy with other projects to revise as necessary.
Still, these pieces were written in 1996 and for most of these bands there was little to no info to be found online. That was the idea; that people could do a websearch and find something, and know they're not alone. (I was unemployed at the time; things like this helped keep me sane. That explains the caustic tone, but I'll try not to edit out more than 10% of that!) My, how we've grown...
This way to the funhouse: