• http://www.angelfire.com/in2/yala/index.htm • http://yala.freeservers.com/index.htm
• http://www.geocities.com/tyala.geo/index.htm [www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Underground/2288]
© T. Yahaya Abdullah

Synthesizers, Music & Television

Hi! Call me Yala!. I'm into Music, Computers and TV. I've been involved in these areas for quite long now and I'd like to help anyone who is interested to find out more. So welcome to my site… read, learn & enjoy. The specific areas covered are as follows:-

Subtractive Synthesis Basics; Oscillators & Waveforms; Filters; Envelopes; Modulation; Advanced Waveforms • Printer/Text version ; also Synthesizer Layouts
F.M. Synthesis DX-synth FM; Operators & Algorithms; Modulator & Carrier generated Series; Modulation behaviour • Printer/Text version ; also FM DX Supplement and FM Spectrum Graphs
Music Theory
Music Scales Frequency; Notes; Octaves; Tuning; Scales; Modes; Pentatonics; Transforms • Printer/Text version
Chords pt.1 Roots & intervals; Maj, min, aug, dim, sus & 7th chords; System for chord-names; Chord Listing for keyboard and guitar.
Chords pt.2 Inversions & equivalents, More Naming techniques, Chord Reference (mode diatonic) • Pt.1&2 Printer/Text version
• TV Basics still under construction (yes, it's been a long time coming)
• TV Design also still under construction (I know, I know)
My Music
Ghosts [by Fishball] my band's first album release - get Song Lyrics, Audio mp3 and Midi files; also Arrangement, Notation and Tablature.
Great Songs even more of my Songs / Compositions - get Lyrics and Midi files; also Instrumental Songs.
Equip. SetUp my Recording & Music Equipment; my Notation system; plus Synth Patches.
Paradox Lost music from my previous bands : the Immortal Ghosts, Bruit Du Soir / Autant and Pulse-8 from 1981 to 1986, London. (off-site)
• Textures under construction - the music of Texture On Paper ~ going solo.
Composition Tools Tempo (Time & Length) Calculation, Delay Calculation, Rhyme Chart.
Music Links Equipment, Review, Hardware & Software sites; Music NewsGroups.
HTML Side Reference Charts of Colours and Characters categorised for easy use.
Other Links Search, Reference, Hosting, Contacts, Malaysia Stuff, Other Links.
Freebies Yala's Place of Free Stuff: like graphics etc (off-site)
Odds & Ends Yala's Digs for Odds & Ends : bits & pieces (off-site)

E-Mail me for any specific information you may need… although I can't promise that I'll reply. And please come back soon to visit.

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