This page is dedicated to the great Australian band formed by Christina Amphlett and Mark McEntee...This site will feature info, lyrics, photos, links, stories, biography and much more on this fantastic band...It is currently under heavy construction...I will be adding as much as I can in the upcoming weeks so make sure to stay tuned...
Updated: January 10, 199
This site is slowly being moved and updated to it's new server at sure to check that site for the newest as it is being updated and finalized almost daily....
The purpose of this mailing list is to get fans together in a forum to pass along news, stories and any info pertaining to the Divinyls. Please remember your netiquette when joining and posting to this list
Currently Featured
Bad Girl do--a copy of the SMH Metro Article on Chrissy
Sound Clips--Click here for sound clips of Divinyls Material
Recent Interview--check out this recent interview with Mark and Chrissie
Looking for Divinyls CD's....
I'm looking for any scans, news, and info pertaining to the Divinyls...if you have any information on this band please email me (Dave)
A total number of people have visited this site since May 6, 1997...
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