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Don't forget to order a goat on your way out. This feature has been one of the mainstays of the Llama King Homepage since its inception in 1997.
The not-so-world-famous Llama King Homepage's Guestbook is still open for business. Some time in April, my girlfriend, Lori, dumped me, and I don't know why. Okay, this is actually my first column for my webpage. To view Bob's lone column, click HERE. It has come to my attention that this page, long known for its struggle to define the relative power of goathood, within the context of llama life, has strayed from its original purpose. You see, originally, the site was developed as a means to communicate the message of the Corrupt Senators, via their road manager, Bad Dog McGee. The band's message was simple--"Love all goats as you would love yourself... And don't be shy about accepting candy from sheep." The message was played out and expounded upon in many arenas. TCS' first tour of the greater Richmond/Spring Grove Metropolitan area took them from the far reaches of Vic's Basement to the spawning ground for idiots-in-training, Richmond-Burton High School. After their first, self-titled, album, which sold over 9 copies, the band decided to take their act on the road. Playing to far-from-sold-out crowds at RBCHS and The Wonder Bar, the band was able to develop quite a small, but rowdy fan base. Colin Anderson took the lead, proclaiming, "The Corrupt Senators' first album is in my list of 'top five albums of all time!'" From there, Bill Hansen cowrote what TCS drummer, Noah Cryns, would call "The Most Rocking Song We Played."---FACTOR LABEL Bill would get a good taste of what it is like to be a Corrupt Senator when he would lead crowds in singing, "People, settle down! Factor Label's in town!!!" At the age of 17, after losing their drummer to the band, Juvenocracy, the remaining Corrupt Senators decided to make a change once again. Building a band out of misfits and wannabe's, Bob and Toby founded "Big Jerry." Though poor and with bad equipment, Big Jerry would secure a regular slot at "Mocha Mocha Me" coffee house in McHenry, Illinois. With fan club President, Colin Anderson, holding down the rhythm, Big Jerry was off and running. "Trumpet" John Nelson and Kendall Ruff rounded out the sound for the band which Greg Cryns called, "The best band since Star Crunch!" Big Jerry broke up as the members went off to college, where Bob found a bottle of whiskey, and Toby found a hard time. Bill found guaranteed play, and Colin found his way home. Matt Colburn even saw some action! So, it seemed that everyone was getting into the mix. In the summer of love, 1999, Bob and Toby took the act on the road once again, forming the Christian rock band, "JC and the Moonshine Band". "JC and the Moonshine Band" would go on to play two shows, both at Toby's church opening for "P.T. the Frog". Then, in the summer of 2000, Toby approached Bob with a proposition to start a new band which would be called "The Speakeasy Heroes." Combining Bob's strong back-up vocals with Toby's great lead guitar and adding to that the sheer talent of Bradley Thomas, the Speakeasy Heroes were formed. The Speakeasy Heroes saw success of a grand nature opening up for such local legends as "LYZ", "Juvenocracy", Mikey's band which I can't remember the name of, and "Spank." But playing shows at sold-out beer halls was not enough for the "Speakeasy Heroes". Utilizing the vision of long-time supporter, Barry Woods, the "Speakeasy Heroes" accumulated untold presige and success by releasing their album, "Pub Crawl", in August 2000. With the album in hand, the "Speakeasy Heroes" were able to book multiple shows at local hot-spot, Colin's House. After the summer of 2000, the guys all went their separate ways, hoping for a reunion in the near future.... |
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In the summer of 2000, I worked on the campaign to reelect State Representative Jack Franks in Illinois. Although, it was a trying experience for a number of reasons, the excitement and political insight I gained from the experience are invaluable.
Click here for information about State Representative Jack Franks' fundraising results.
Click Here for more information about Jack Franks' 2000 election cycle.
Here is where you can find information about all of the Illinois state rep's and senator's legislation (For Political Junkies only).
If you can read this, you don't need glasses.
Updated 7/30/08