After a couple months of contemplation and conversation, we few here at Night-Wire are proud to throw our support behind Michael Badnarik for President of United States.

Night-Wire is back. I don't know how extensive we will be, but we are here again. I am ready for this election. I think there is a serious chance to make some change this year, and not the kind that Bruce Springsteen's "Vote for Change" (We claimed the 'Vote for Change" moniker in January, long before these liberal pop stars.) group wants. We mean real change, a real difference. Something that makes people take notice. We at Night-Wire are here to fight for any little bit of attention we can help garner for the cause of freedom in this nation.

Aug 11
A Thousand Bodies
Bush has declared that the mission was accomplished in Iraq long ago. Somehow, we still keep losing US citizens to enemy bullets and bombs. We are lied to...we are told that joining the military will help us pay for college. Right now, our government has sacrificed 931 money desperate souls to wage their war. That's just in Iraq alone. Not counting Afghanistan or any of the other of 4 military conflicts the US is currently involved in, nor to any of the acceptable casualties in the any of the other 136 nations that the US has some sort of Military presence in. Be all you can be...find out what you are made of...you are worm food to the puppet masters. In the next month we will eclipse the 1,000 dead mark in Iraq. That's incredibly small in paralell to the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, whatever. But this has been little more than a year. We must realize that this is going to go on for eons into the future, and that all of these lives were lost because of bad intelligence and lies from the highest office in the land.

'America's Wang' Prepares for Threesome
The state of Florida and its residents can't look east or west or south without seeing the eventual double penetration by a pair of tropical storms.