This is Fel-Dawg's last adventure as he scrolls down the information superhighway known as Cyberspace. As much joy
as it has brought Fel-Dawg, he must resist the overwhelming temptation to "Surf the Net." Anyways, the following information
is a last attempt at comedy to bring joy and jolly smilies to the millions of users that will witness this fiasco.
The following web page has come to include the following personas. These people who are the
seen as Titans in the world we live in. The people mentioned in this page are people I hold upon a pedistal, looked up
by the world as kings and queens of their domain. They exemplify the plethora of life that was intended by the Almighty.
They reveal the vast cornacopia that we call life. These people form a simbiotic relationship with the activities of our
visible galaxy.
By now you must be wondering who these powerful demigods are, and what masterful possessions they have within their grasp.
What magical and supernatural experiences have caused their being? Anyways, the list below contains within its content the
specifications and attributes that have dawned upon the world. This ever precious and sacred list hold within its possession the
ever prized and valued people within the entire world.
Yet, the above immortal exemplifies only the limited supply of the supernatural that attend the educational center of Paul VI High
School. The below figures are men and women that contribute multiply attractions to the society they live around, residing in either
college or residing in the north latitude/longitude of Maryland, in the proximination of Rockville and Gaithersburg. These people hold
possessions and talents treasured by the mortal universe, valuing these talents and gifts as precious.
- Christina "Lolo" Lo
- Mok-yi "PUpChow/Hormone Boy" Chow
- Dan "Ghidrah Playa Pro" Tang
- Dave "Emperor" Tang
- John "Golddust" Liang
- Steven "Freestylin, I'm in love with my girlfriend Vi, Chink" Lan
- Kevin "Get Big Barkley" Hsu
- Wendy "Wei Wei" Wang
- Jennifer "I need to relax and not worry about school so much" Chow
- Chris "I wanna be good in basketball, but I can't" Chen
- Anchyi "Too Cool" Wei
- Edwin "I also wanna be good in basketball" Leong
- Andy "Buff Guy" Lin
- Karen "Totorro Girl, whatever totorro is" Park
- Profile of my people
- Pictorals of the LOCF
For all of you who are not aquainted with the prestige and overwhelming high class of this time-telling
aparatus, this is a TAG Heuer watch. Only rich masagonistic bastards can afford watches that look like this. Or you can do what
I do and buy a counterfeit repilca, from the friendly and opportunistic streets of New York and Georgetown.
As this is my last attempt to woo viewers of this powerful tool called the internet, the following are links that are also deemed superior
among the other links of the World Wide Web. : The following links may contain graphic and at times raw images that
could serious distraught the thinking of the youth today. Caution is highly advised before entering.
Enjoy the previous sites at your own risk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AnYwaYZ, previously unreleased information has been brought to the attention of FEl-DaWg. This priceless, sacred information may cause
grave and terrifying disastrous deads if fallen into the wrong hands. The detailed and carefully guarded specimens and
interpidness within this classifed ad reveals the object of power that makes the world go round, instead of simply plunging our little
lives within the depths of a black and cold universe. This divine nature and power lies in.................
Finding Fubu is the key to success within the confines of our little universe. Fubu remains a state of apparel which exemplifies the total
being of a man within his/her environment. This simple word sums up all the pleasures in life. This little, yet powerful, word can cause the most infinite
joy, explicable to man. This joy-bringing product can be purchased at local department and sporting good stores. Either at these organizations, or the availability
of this product can be found in plentiful amounts in New York, by street corner selling merchant. The word FUBU is a sacred word. It is my word forever!
Here are just random logos of places I enjoy spending excess and available time, whether to buy their delectable products, or simply to pick up persons of the opposite sex.
To be honest, the ever powerful and ostentacious Fel-Dawg (aka. Felix Moy) cannot usually afford to purchase the promising and glamourous apparel sold at the locations of
these fine department-oriented franchises. So, the primary reason for the display of the logos which you have just seen are to show the places where Fel-Dawg does
his "business" of dealing with the females of the opposite sex.
Here be another illuminating pictoral of the ever-desirable and pursued hour/minute/day numbering conconction, know as TAG Heuer. This fine piece of Swiss craftsmanship
also exemplies the quality of foreign materials and workmanship.
Here's a pictoral of the automobile which will be providing my transportation in the near future. This automobile was created with the finest of German precision
and luxury, providing an exquisit mixture and display of power and attitude.
For your joy and entertainment, the following pages were designs in which I attempted to master the technique of designing a quality, serious, and at time humorous web site
for the people of America and other nations to enjoy. View with the intent to satisfy your carnivorous appetite of humor.
- Fel-Dawg's first attempt at humor
- The Second Attempt at Funniness, with table
- Hoodlum Definitions
- Yellow Page
On a slightly more serious note, the following picture has been posted.
As everyone should know by now, the above symbol is for the designer clothing apparel brand, Tommy Hilfiger. The reason for this is to warn fellow consumers of the nature
of this once remarkable designer. He has declared himself to be racist against other races, including African Americans and Asian American. On the Oprah Winfrey Show, he said
that if he knew how popular his clothes would be among different nationalities, he wouldn't have designed them at all.
In my plea, join the boycott of Tommy Hilfiger products. Instead of buying the facist ideals of a crazy designer, purchase different brands. With any previously purchased
clothes from this designer, simply inform others not to make the same poor decision as me by buying Tommy products. Don't be a tool!
Use your buying powers to purchase better clothing, like:
For anyone still needing sites to purchase stylish and elegant pieces of apparel, visit the following sites to satisfy your curiosity and hunger to
be as popular as Fel-dawg (just kidding).
Here are tables of information, for your personal use and amusement.
The preference of apples versus oranges, as recorded on the basis of gender!
Preference |
| Apples
Gender |
Male |
47.324321353% |
52.84937927694749298765% |
Female |
43.94829767982% |
56.1995899485492098549% |
If you enjoyed that table, you will absolutely be astounded by the genius of the following table regarding...........
The comparison of the favoring of grapes versus apples
Preference |
Apples |
Grapes |
Gender |
Male |
54.5478927584975893% |
51.738925743750% |
Female |
49.3784752% |
48.64789574895778436% |
So as you can see, these data supplies show that apples, oranges, and grapes reign Kings and Queens of the ever-prived realm
of glucose, fructose, and sugars. These Titans will continue to battle for the ever-prized glory of being crowned as the most
preferred fruit, battling until the end of time as we know it. This battle has started since the beginning of time, when Eve chose
the apple over the other oranges and grapes. This made the oranges and grapes insanely jealous, and a fierce competition arised over
being nominated as the world's most wholesome supplier of nutrients. This competition has spurred on, since apple was dethroned for the brief time
of 1000-1200 a.d, by grape, during the Roman and Greek empires, when everyone was drunk and queer. Now, the fight for ruling continues, in the year 1998
for sole possession of the title "World's Greatest Fruit."

"Yeah BABY!"
This concludes the adventures of Cyberspace by Fel-Dawg. Tragically, Fel-Dawg has died in a tragic plane accident on his way to Greece and Rome, in an attempt to made
Fubu known and to discover the true greatest fruit which can be eaten by all of humanity. Some still speculate that Fel-Dawg lives among the wild beasts of the African jungle yet legend has it that the spirit of Fel-Dawg can be reincarnated into the living
body of a young, handsome, elegant male of sixteen/soon to be seventeen years old. So, if you see a young, dashing, debanaire, elegant-dressed man, ask him if he is the
spirit of Fel-Dawg. If he replies yes, you have found the mystery of life and its meaning. If he replies no, continue your search. Oh, and if you are a good-looking girl, give
the man who replies 'yes' your phone number, as that he will call you and bless you with many..............blessings! Goodbye for now!