LIVEJOURNAL is like the diary you keep under the bed... assuming everyone you know lives under the bed as well
PHOTOS of friends, family, bands, travel, and other junk
Other PLACES you should go
My current READING & GAMING list
Stuff about ME that you probably don't need to know
Other things I've WRITTEN
BANDS I listen to
My adventures with DGENERATION
Want to learn about GENE EXPRESSION PATTERNS in Arabisopsis? I made a database-driven site for the genes our lab studies...
A page about GYMNOSPERMS that we made for biology
The LINUM site I made for botany
An ANIMATION we made for Developmental biology lab
A site I created about Dr. Pholey's Franklin College ALASKA trip
 Mike, Erin, Adam, & Ian - Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau Alaska / July 2004