Well Welcome to my wonderful Home page.Well I am very excited about the turnout that i had in the summer i had my page open. I've finally decided to update it and add some new stuff. The most exciting thing I've added is my new guide on in-line grinds. It has almost every grind that i can think of but there are a few I have to add. Well anyway I am a Senior at Westfield High School. I in-line skate(as you may be able to tell later), play the guitar, drive a 1992 Nissan Stanza(Heliberto is his name), and do lots of other neat stuff. Well enjoy your stay.
You are visitor # since April 18, 1997!!!!
Well guess what everyone ...There are lots of things I like ...and one of them is Wrigley's Winterfresh Gum
... I'm not just saying this because they pay me to ... It is really good ... I wouldn't be surprised if it were laced with heroin.
But seriously I could chew this stuff all the time and maybe you should try it sometime.
What do you think about censorship on the Internet??? Personally I'm against the government attacking the Internet with laws such as the Communications Decency Act. Learn more about such laws by reading my paper and visit the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Want to enter a skate competition??? Well find out about what is coming up at my competitions page. Want me to promote your competition on my competitions page??? Well the e-mail me at xdbombx@geocities.com.
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