We have lots of WWF, japanese and ECW videos. We don't sell
tapes, just trade. We do trades tape for tape, that way the postage and
cost of tapes should be equal. To set up a deal talk to [KaYn] or Lethaface
in #wrestling_tapes on Undernet IRC, or send e-mail to wrestling_tapes@hotmail.com.
DSS: Taped off DSS (Directv Satelite Dish). Digital Signal,
like a DVD video. Better than taped from a master tape.
MSTR: Master tape. The ones you'd buy at a store.
DSS-1, MSTR-1: The number indicates what generation the tape
is (how many times it's been taped. Generation 1 means it's taped from
the Master or from satelite. A number two indicates it was taped from the
master or satelite, and then taped again).
Quality - On a scale of 1 - 10, keep in mind that it's subjective
to our opinions, so a 9/10 may be different than another page that has
it as 9/10. Most compilation tapes' (eg. Best of Barbed Wire) quality will
vary from match to match, so we tried to put an average.
Click on the title of any show to see it's card.
Best of's
Coming Soon:
Best of Onita 1-3
BJPW Crocodile Deathmatch
BJPW Ultimate Deathmatch
ECW Born to be Wired
ECW Cyberslam '98
ECW Double Tables
ECW Enter Sandman
ECW Guilty as Charged
ECW Hardcore Heaven '95
ECW Heatwave '95
ECW Heatwave '96
ECW Heatwave '98
ECW Hostile City Showdown '96
ECW Living Dangerously
ECW November to Remember '95
ECW Terry Funk's Wrestlefest
ECW The Doctor is In
ECW Wrestlepalooza '98
ECW vs. FMW vs. ZEN
FMW Triple Onita
Great Lakes Championship Wrestling (fan cam, main event
Cactus Jack v. Leatherface (GLCW Title))
IWA Glass Hell Deathmatches
IWA Mid-South King of the Deathmatch
Michinoku Pro: These Days
Rob Van Dam Shoot Interview
Sabu: Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal Compilation
WCW Fancam (Vader v. Cactus (Cactus loses ear))
WWF A Cold Day in Hell
WWF Best Friends Make Better Enemies
WWF Buried Alive
WWF Degeneration X
WWF Fancam (Lawler v. Bret Hart (steel cage))
WWF Final Four
WWF International Incident
WWF Mind Games
WWF Raw: Banned in Canada (master)
WWF Revenge of the 'Taker
WWF Royal Rumble '98
WWF Three Faces of Foley (master)
Many more past WWF shows
Want List:
Best of Hayabusa vol. 1
FMW 5/5/96
FMW 8/1/96
FMW 11/20/98
FMW: Story of the F Vol. 2
FMW: Story of the F Stage 2 Vol. 2
IWA / NWA Tag Team Deathmatch Tournament
W*ING: Best of '93
WWC: Bloody Matches of the Carribean
WWF Capitol Carnage
Almost any Japanese wrestling tapes we don't have
Any WWF In Your House's we don't have
Any ECW we don't have
If you have anything else, with the exception of wcw, just ask us about
Our e-mail address is wrestling_tapes@hotmail.com,
mail us with any trade offers.