Hello and welcome. I will keep the intro as brief as possible. This is a site primarily dedicated to the small, but perfectly formed town of Bolton (In the UK). However, as time has passed, it has become far more than an alternative tourist guide (as you will see from the many sections below !). I hope you find something of interest. And if you are a Paul Weller fan, check out the resource list in the music section. Oh, and if you hadn`t realised, the picture to the left is of me (David) with musical God Ray Davies (of The Kinks). And the girlie on the right (and below) is Suzanne, girlfriend extraordinaire. Want to see some Bolton stuff ?
A few ideas on where to go and what to do if you ever end up in Bolton some time in your life ! Or if you are lucky, you might never have to.
A section devoted mainly to what I like and where to get it. The LINKS page is a much better resource to musical sights on the net.
A stroll around my literary tastes of both past and present
Sadly this section isn`t yet up and running. I was going to do a bit of a write up on the club, the team and anything else (though not in a boring statty way !). However, due to the team currently playing so badly, I have no enthusiasm whatsoever to make a start on it. Maybe next season, when we are doing well in the First Division !
This is probably my most worked on section. I have put a lot of work into it and it seem to have paid off with the number of "hits" I get on it. Arguably the number one site on the web for Paul Weller links, alongside a lot of other interesting sites and homepages. Give it a try.....you might find somewhere you like.
Were shrewd enough to come and visit this site. Welcome one and all !
Copyright © 1998 David Walker
This Home Page was created Wednesday, September 24th, 1997
Most recent revision Monday, March 9th 1998.