Hey, how are 'ya?
A Graduate of Brockport High School, I am now a Voice Major at the Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam.
Here is my partial (depending on how often I update it List of Vocal Repertoire

Here's the NEW page for Potsdam NY's Chapter of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship!!
This is the church we go to up here in Potsdam, Koinonia..it's great!!
Need a place to stay in/near Potsdam?? Try Brambles Inn & Gardens (The Old Helen Hosmer House...a GORGEOUS Bed & Breakfast!!!)
In the Potsdam, NY area and need a DJ or want to try Karaoke for your party or event?? Check it out!
Here's the Website for SUNY Potsdam's Theta Iota Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia!!!
Here's the HomePage for the Potsdam Pointercounts!!
Here's a link where you can, entirely free, donate bibles to persecuted Christians worldwide!
Here's an awesome church, the Calvary Chapel Rome (Italy)!
Post/Read Prayer Requests Here, at this awesome site!!
Here's the page for an AWESOME Christian Camp in Brantingham, NY, Camp Aldersgate!!!
Here's the page for another AWESOME Christian Camp, this one in Western NY, Camp Li-Lo-Li!!!!!!
Here's a great page for the fantastic musical, 1776!
Here's a page with some
pictures of SUNY Brockport's production of Oliver!
Here's the page, dedicated to some of Brockport's parties! (c. 1997-2000)
For any fellow golfers out there, here's a page of Golf Links (bad, overused pun intended).
Here's a page from long ago.... Me in High School!!
Next, here's the main page of
Music Links, with more links than even I know what to do with. (More recent note...I wonder how many of them still work?)
Here's Ford Prefect's Page of Everything

Anyways, that's about it for now...this page is constantly changing,
so you'd better bookmark this page & come back again,
'cause remember:

Jimi wants you to keep jammin' always!!!

Come see the daily cartoon:
Need/want prayer? Check this page out
Upset about something in the country?
Tell your represenatives about it!
If you don't, they may never know how you feel;
your letter could very be the one that sways their scale.
You CAN make a difference.