it has been awhile since the last update, but i have returned, so now i will continue the reign of bushiness that is this homepage.
for those of your who are regular visitors, we are approaching our 5th birthday here at the bush shrine. thanks for your devotion.
last year i went to england, and i made a "pilgrimage" of sorts to shepherd's bush. I will be posting my pictures soon.
early in 1999 i removed my bush shrine from my bedroom walls. the sticky tack was starting to melt, and i didn't want to see it go into disrepair. i kept all of my posters and my favorite pinups, but the rest went to the dumpster. it was sad to see such an important part of my life go. i recently discovered pictures of my shrine when it was in it's heyday. i will be posting those soon as well.
look for large amount of updates here over the next couple weeks. click on gavin to enter the site....