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Greetings to all Nick
Cave fans. Finally I have gotten off my arse and fixed this damned
site up. Yes I know I have promised to do it for awhile and
I know this site was quite pitiful in the past, but I thought Nick
deserved a better tribute than the dodgy effort I previously put
in. If there is anyone out there who feels like reviewing their
favourite Nick Cave album, please send it to me and I'll put it up on
this site. Also, if anyone has any suggestions or would like to see
something in particular up on this site, drop me a

A note from the site's creator:
You may notice that I do not use frames
in this site even though my browser is totally capable of
supporting them. I hate frames. They annoy me. There is absolutely
no reason why we must use them. And that, ladies and gentleman, is
Hey, I've even started a club. To join, all you need
to do is copy this image and put it on your own site, but if I catch
you using frames I'll kick your ass. If you do use the logo, email me
and tell me so I can rejoice.
New to this site:
- A photo gallery including album
- Articles
- Updated links section
- A completed
- More guitar chords
- Probably some other stuff I've
Contents of this site:
- Discography
: List of official and unofficial recordings featuring Mr N.E.
- A
brief history of Nick Cave : A few
paragraphs by my alter ego, Euchrid Eucrow
- Guitar
Chords : Chords for Bad Seeds
- Some
Cavey Links : Links to those dark
corners of the world wide web where you may find a bit of
- Articles
: Articles about Nick, reviews of albums and shows, interviews
with Nick. Please send me reviews of your fave Cave album (Bad
Seeds, Birthday Party, Boys Next Door...whatever)
: Frequently asked questions. Everything you always wanted to know
but were afraid to ask in case the elitist Nick fans shunned you
for not being up to their high level of enlightenment
- Picture
Gallery : Here you will find some dandy
pictures which I have collected from all over the web, magazines
and some pics I have taken myself. There are also a few pages with
album cover artwork. Coming soon will be some sketches I did about
2 years ago of the great Nick.
Send email to kid_gonzo@hotmail.com

This page was finally updated on April 28th, 1998.

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