To Wish Impossible Things
Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I added anything new to this page. I figured it's time to do at least some updating. My name's Joel, and I really like the Cure. If you feel the same way, I'd love to hear from you. Just drop me a line here and let me know what you think of my page or if you just wannt shoot the breeze. Also, if you have any cool pictures that you think would be cool to add to my page, you could send those to me, or if you're a collector of bootlegs and have any you'd be interested in trading, I'm always willing to do a little trading. Enjoy the page. Also, sign my guestbook and get on the mailing list. I'll keep everyone updated about upcoming tour or album plans. I know there are some in the works, too. So sign my guestbook and I'll let you know all about them.
If You Want To See Some Cool Cure Pictures, Click Here
Check out my new survey. It'll only take a second.
Here's the results from the survey so far.
A cool Cure page with TONS of pictures
To The Sky
Every Lyric to Every Song by the Cure
Stiff As Toys&Tall As Men
The OFFICIAL Cure Page
Snow In Summer
Every Cure album you could possibly want, and they're pretty cheap, too.
Links to other cool sights
Suede (or London Suede, whatever you prefer) Official Site
The Ultimate Moby Page
Skinny Puppy
Lords of Acid
Anyone who's been on this page knows that there was a link here to the Sister Soleil webpage. Well, Stella and the rest of the band went and got themselves singed to Universal, and their page got taken down. I'd like to say congratulations to them, they're an incredible band. If anyone out there is interested in them, especially in the Chicago area, just let me know and I'll keep you posted on when they're playing and where you can pick up CD's and stuff.
Sonic Youth Photo Archive
the Prodigy
The Jesus Lizard
Chamber ov Mortus. My freind Jason's goth page.
Don't forget to sign my guestbook and get on the mailing list!
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Special thanks to Sean Keehan for suppling some of the graphics used on this page