Welcome to my home page on the world wide web! As you will find below, I enjoy music. I collect music by The Police, which includes bootlegs and/or "live recordings."
My belief is to make this home page quick and useful; which means you are not going to find very many pictures or graphics! It is not to say that I am against all those GREAT sites out there on the world wide web that have enhanced their pages with fun and interesting images; it is just my objective to make this home page fast and informative!
I am pleased to serve up the following additional information via the world wide web:
The Web's Too Big Without You!
This home page will link you to different home pages of The Police and some new information that I think other fans might find interesting.
Music for Sale!
This music is from my personal collection -- take a look to see what I have to offer (the records [both LP's and 45's] are from the 50's, 60's & 70's). There are also a few cd's, cd-r's and videos. Sorry, there are no Sting or Police records in this listing. But you might want to check back because I am going to be selling part of my Sting/Police collection.
So Who Am I?
This home page will explain a little bit about me (like you even care).
What's new?
This is a listing of information I have added to the various pages. Hopefully this will make your visit more enjoyable because you won't have to dig through all the pages just to see if there is anything new.
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since this page was designed on January 15, 1997.
Again, thanks for visiting my home page. I hope to hear from you again soon.
For information on this home page, please send e-mail to blueturtles@pmail.net.
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Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by blueturtles@pmail.net. All rights reserved.