You are visitor number: since July 25,1998.

Hi I'm Tammy Kimchi.

I signed up on 07/25/98 07:47:54

(click here to see a really bad picture of me)

This page includes guitar chords and tabs

In this site there are chords and tabulatures both in hebrew and in english
This site is constantly growing and changing
And I need help !!!
So please, if you have chords and tabs you can e-mail them to me.

For More Chords and Tabs in English, you might want to try out
"danmansmusic" for an endless source of tabs and chords

Click here for a list of

english chords/tabs

Click here for a list of

hebrew chords/tabs

All hebrew song chords are to be read from right to left

This page is constuntly changing
unfortunately not as frequently as I would hope...
(I don't have that much free time)
but you should probably try and visit again soon!
It will make me very happy...

Unless mentioned otherwise
the transcriptions of both chords and tabs are my own...
so if you have any complaints...
(chords and tabs that I receive will be creditted to their trnascribers)

Last updated: February 15, 2002

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and tell me what you think of my site
(so I know people are actually visiting it...)
and please come back soon and visit me soon.

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