Potatobug have been added to the audio and video section. Also, there are a bunch of new pictures from Peace-a-chord 99.

MP3.com has a section just for St. John's bands. Get on over there and listen to some great quality sound clips of local bands.

Fur Packed Action will be playing at Junctions on October 1st and 2nd with Montreal's Bionic. Check out the FPA site for details

Ched and Spunk have been added to the audio section. The sets from each band were taken from Peace-a-chord 96

Gamberg is a new-ish internet mailing list for local indie rock.

If i have something on here of your band and you object, let me know and i'll take it down. I'm lazy as an old sack of cheese, so it may take me a while to put up more stuff

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last updated October 3rd, 1999
soon to be updated