The "Unofficial" Streetwalkers Page!

Streetwalker AlbumsDowntown Flyers!

"UK Underground stalwarts FAMILY split up in 1973 after 7 years of solid gigging, 8 albums and several hit singles. The mainmen Chapman and Whitney took their new ideas through a debut album "Streetwalkers" for Reprise and later adopted this title for their new group, after having recruited ex-Jeff Beck singer Bobby Tench, Nicko McBrain (later to join Iron Maiden) and Jonathan Plotel.

Ironically what followed differed little from the Family formula of constant touring and a staggeringly high quality of musical output. The line-up suffered one major change after the second album when David Dowle and Michael Feat replaced McBrain and Plotel, and Brian Johnstone was drafted in as the first full time keyboard player.

Punk's harsh reality finished off what should have become England's biggest and most respected rock 'n' roll band. Their shunning of any showbiz image coupled with an outmoded interest in sleazebag song matter seemed inappropriate in the young 3-chord days of 1977. By the time the obligatory double-live album was released, the band was no more. In the 1990's their music sound far more appropriate than it did then, which acts as a fitting tribute to their capability of writing timeless songs based around nothing other than sheer musical expertise. Many younger acts today could learn from listening to this compilation."


Downtown Flyers

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