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You are visitor number since 4th March 1997
Hi! You've found the all new Ralph page at Sunset Strip in Geocities.
Well unfortunately we've lost touch with the band mainly due to our own work pressures [and some complete incompetence on our part too ;-)]. So if any of you out there can help us out we would be much obliged. If you have ANY information on the band (especially gig info or contact numbers) then PLEASE PLEASE EMAIL US! Your reward will mach the value of your info....To find out what's going on at the mo and what we're working on improving, click on "Coming Soon".
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Ralph are an Indie band from Nottingham, England and at the moment they earn a living gigging in pubs and clubs (amongst other things) in Nottingham and the surrounding area. We feel
that they're far too good to be doing the old Nottingham circuit, so we've set up the official Ralph page to help set them on their way to fame and stardom! Anyway, their
music is kinda an upbeat game for a laugh sorta bouncy Indie style with all sorts of influences, and it KICKS ASS!!! All their tapes are currently on sale in Virgin Megastores in Nottingham, UK. Oh, and just cos I thought it was cool, here's Virgin Radio who have a requests page, so lets bombard it!! .... Keep on scrolling, there's more -
Please feel free to send suggestions, comments and questions about Ralph to
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We'd appreciate if you'd visit our pages - Greg's Page and Bobbinses Page.
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