 | I'm currently in the process of moving this site to www.nickzaino.com. Feel free to browse here while this process is going on, or check the new site for updates. Enjoy! |
On Comedy...
Boston has produced its share of stand-up legends, but it has also produced a lot of great people who work behind the scenes. Read about some of the folks who have brought you Dennis Miller Live, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Home Movies, and other TV shows.
Take a look at Imagine News.
Dame Edna, legend of stage and the small screen, took time off from her busy schedule as an activist, megastar, housewife, photojournalist, and philanthropist to talk to me about her Tony-Award-winning show, The Royal Tour. Take a look at The Boston Phoenix.
Also, in Apemen.com, you'll find my election interview with Mort Sahl, and a bunch of political Web sites.
You can find links to these stories at On Comedy... .
On Music...
Robbie Fulks and Blue Mountain have suffered through a couple of years of upheaval in their careers, and have come back with their own labels, new records in the works, and a couple of great tribute albums.
Find the story in On Music... .
I've just added a couple of reviews I've done for The Boston Globe, for Merle Haggard's great reflection, If I Could Only Fly, and the latest Waco Brothers disc, Electric Waco Chair. Both were the "Pick of the Week" selections in the Globe.
Find these reviews in On Music... .
My new Fufkin.com column is at Fufkin.com, full of alt.country news and musings.
Coming Soon...
My "Comedy Notes" columns from The Boston Globe.
Bill Hicks and Sam Kinison in Gadfly magazine.
Alejandro Escovedo in Performing Songwriter, and The Boston Globe.
The Rivergods, in No Depression.
Dane Cook comes into his own, from The Boston Phoenix.
Welcome to my archive of freelance writing work. This site features some of my best work, updated regularly. I've written for a wide variety of publications, and this site will reflect that more accurately as it grows, and as I continue to write.
I've hit the comedy beat for The Boston Phoenix, The Buffalo News, Stuff@Night Magazine, and Playboy.com, and covered music for No Depression, Amplifier Magazine, and The Buffalo News. I've also written for Buffalo Beat, PC Gameworld, and Online Buffalo, where I served a short tenure as Editor-in-Chief.
Comedy and music are fields I am passionate about, but they are by no means my only interests as a writer. Please feel free to click through the site and send me feedback.

If you would like to contact me about these stories, or about freelance writing opportunities, please feel free to drop me a line at nick@olm1.com
Thank you for reading my work.
And if you have any info on new music or comedy, please feel free to add my e-mail to your news list, or fax me at (208)330-8449. I'm always happy to hear about new bands, up-and-coming comedians, or comedy and music news in general.
My Resume