CarsmileSteve's Photos and Stuff

Hello and welcome to my page. Some of you may notice a little change if you've been here before, the band site has finally been banished to a subdirectory.

Click here for some old fool rambling on about stuff and things

Click on the links below for the appropriate photos etc

!N!E!W! Royal Albert Hall photos

All Tomorrows Parties 2001 photos

"Songs That Belle & Sebastian Songs Sound Like" List

New York Photos

The Sinister "Paint a picture of Belle & Sebastian on Top Of The Pops" Competition

A summer wasting, various bits and bobs from this summer (Glasto, Reading, picnics etc)

2000 Troubled Teenagers Photos

All Tomorrows Parties 2000 Photos

A small selection of wedding photos

The infamous unsigned band drinking game

some silliness

Some god awful band, innit

Some god awful songs, for your downloading pleasure... which aren't there any more as i-drive have stopped doing free storage, the gets. They may return if i can find somewhere else to put them.