<BGSOUND SRC="/quicksilvernight/">
Email me. Click here. Thanks to my good friend Chuck Lantz for adding some nice finishing touches to this banner of mine. I suppose he's earned his toaster oven now, huh?
Where to begin? Every moment's a beginning, isn't it?
What is constant about me? Call me Chip; everyone else does. It's comfortable.
My given name is Warren C. Russell, if it matters.
I don't use it much; it sounds pretentious to me.
I am a soldier and a musician. In fact, I am a guitar player for the U.S. Army
currently stationed at Ft. Hood, TX with the 4th Infantry Division Band.

(I've temporarily broken this link. Please check back.)
(I've temporarily broken this link. Please check back.)
I must apologize. I am currently trying to update these pages.
I have just transferred into the Ft. Hood area and I have just recently divorced.
You could say I am a work in progress, but who among us isn't?
At any rate, you will probably encounter more than one instance of broken links
and outdated or conflicting information.
(Hey, at least I admit it)
What I do, how and why I do it, pics of it being done ...      Click here.
"That's the trouble with survival of the fittest ... the corpse at your feet. That little inconvenience." -- From I Know This Much is True, by Wally Lamb.

The pictures at the left will link you to other pages of mine.
I had a MIDI file of a fragment of one of my original compositions here
as background music to this page, but I discovered that it sounded really
annoying on some computers depending on browser settings,
sound card quality, or other issues.  I have made some of those MIDI's
available for quick & easy download but removed them as background music.
If you have a decent media player, they should sound okay if you download them.
My Music - "No Stone Unturned" & links to the rest. Click here.