<BGSOUND SRC="/romanystew/StaceyGrove.mid">
Marc Bolan Audio Files
A tribute to Marc and T.rex
Yahoo now limits the number of downloads per day so check
back later if your unable to get your download from the Tiller Rex Page.
You can also check the new link to
Stew's Blues which has some
new mp3's.
Thanks to Gaz for the Midi file of Stacey Grove on the opening page
Email to Romany Stew
The new Tiller Rex 2 CD is now out and can get it at the Till Dawn site.
Click here for a Link
Tiller Rex Page
A collection of tracks that some of Marc's fans are working
on at Till Dawn
The Ring to more
Great Marc Bolan sites
Check out my Eddie Cochran Site
Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones never had a Solo album,but he did do a soundtrack for a movie,check it out.
My Cat's past and present Rollie on the left and Jr on the right and Bad Boy in the lower right.
The love of my life Susan ,out camping with her favorite Marc CD