X-Files Episode Guide

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episode name season synopsis writer/ director
The Secrets of the X-Files 001 season 94-95// clips- out-takes// interviews
More Secrets of the X-Files 002 season 95-96// clips- out-takes// interviews
The X-Files, Pilot 101 Pilot// intro-show about abductions in the pacific north-west// govt conspiracy hints, scully sent in to report on mulder's activities & report back dir. by / robert mandell, written by /chris carter
Deep Throat 102 intro of informant character// air-force man kidnapped; his wife claims the service did it// cover-up/ /mulder's memory wiped d. daniel sackheim,... ..written by / chris carter
Squeeze 103 eugene tooms-serial killer// mutant who eats 5 livers, then hibernates for 30 years each time/ /can get in and out of small places by Squeezing in! d. by / harry longstreet…written by glenn morgan, james wong
Conduit 104 girl abducted; her brother gets binary signals from the TV/ /no one believes/ / mom played by cary snodgrass d. by daniel sackheim/ w. by alex gansa, howard gordon
The Jersey Devil 105 wild woman kills homeless men for food d. by joe napolitano// w. by chris carter
Shadows 106 ghost protects his secretary from his same fate// murderous partner// spirit has fixated on saving her d. by michael katleman../ w. by morgan, wong
Ghost in the Machine 107 a computer security system kills those who try to mess up its programming// resists editing with gusto d. by jerrold freedman../ w. by gordon, gansa
Ice 108 ice-core drilling station/ /bacteria affected the crew, who then killed each other// mulder and scully investigate d. by david nutter../ w. by morgan, wong
Space 109 NASA director taken over by alien causes problems for shuttle launches d. by william graham../ w. by carter
Fallen Angel 110 w/ steve bellis as UFO nut-max fenning// town is being evac'ed for "toxic spill"..max doesn't buy it//cover-up??//mulder checks it out d. by larry shaw../ w. by gordon, gansa
Eve 111 evil clones// 50's experiment gone wrong d. by fred gerber../.w. by kenneth biller, chris bracato
Fire 112 murderer Cecil Lively spontaneously combusts his victims//amanda pays as scotland yard tech "phoebe green", mulder's old flame d. by larry shaw../ w. by carter
Beyond the Sea 113 brad dourif as condemned killer, psychic, Luther Lee Boggs// he psychs out scully d. by nutter../ w. by morgan, wong
Genderbender 114 the "kindred"/ sex-ambiguous-amish type people // one of them is a killer// mulder and scully track him or her back to the clan//nicholas lea has a cameo as a victim in this episode d. by rob bowman../ w. by larry barber, paul barber
Lazarus 115 soul-switching bank robber is killed and takes over scully's old love, a policeman//the robber wants to find his wife, whom he still loves d. by nutter../ w. by gansa, gordon
Young at Heart 116 barnett , a murderer with an amphibian hand, seems to grow younger as mulder and scully chase him//a "mad" doctor experimenting with a cure for progeria worked on him in prison d. by michael lange../ w. by scott kaufer, carter
E.B.E. 117 e.t. biological entity in truck// mulder attempts to track it d. by graham./ w. by morgan, wong
Miracle Man 118 faith healer (scott bairstow) //members of his flock are being murdered d. by lange./ w. by gordon, carter
Shapes 119 indian were-wolf// shape-shifters d. by nutter../ w. by marilyn osborne
Darkness Falls 120 phosphorescent prehistoric green bugs from inside VERY old trees kill some surveyors in the northwest d. by napolitano./ w. by carter
Tooms 121 sequel to "squeeze"// tooms is released from the mental hospital/ /mulder believes he will commit 5 more murders so he can go into hibernation d. by nutter. / w. by morgan, wong
Born Again 122 murdered policeman is re-incarnated as a little girl/ /gets even with his killers/ /she has no memory of the crimes d. by freedman./ w. by gordon, gansa
Roland 123 retarded janitor is prime suspect in the murders of scientisrs at the lab for which he works/is following orders from his cryog. frozen dead brother's head d. by nutter../ w. by chris ruppenthal
The Erlenmeyer Flask 124 chlorophyll gene therapy experiment performed on people/ deep throat dies/ last show of 93-94 season/ x-files is closed d. by r. w. goodwin./ w. by carter
Little Green Men 201 SETI in puerto rico gets a signal / / mulder sees an alien d. by nutter./.w. by morgan, wong
The Host 202 fluke-man creature gets thru the plumbing from a russian ship/ gets into the waste treatment facility in newark, n.j. d. by sackheim./.w. by carter
Blood 203 pesticide might be causing string of murders in rural community/ psychoses in combo with messages from household appliances // sheriff asks for FBI's help in solving them d. by nutter./.w. by morgan, wong
Sleepless 204 army vets/ no sleep since viet nam experiment// g-man (tony todd) puts them down & out of their misery d. by bowman./. w. by gordon
Duane Barry 205 part 1 of 2/ /former FBI agent (steve railsback) duane barry says he is routinely abducted (section 8) ,but says he will not allow it any more// wants "protection" d. by carter./. w. by carter
Ascension 206 part 2 of 2/ /duane barry kidnaps scully to offer her up to the "abductors" so they won't take him/ /krychek shows up as working with cancer man// betrays mulder when he tries to save scully//scully is gone d. by lange./. W. by paul brown
3 207 vampire trinity/ /perry reeves plays love interest for mulder//scully is still missing (reeves was duchovny's real girlfriend when this was filmed- trivia) d. by nutter./. w. by ruppenthal, morgan, wong
One Breath 208 scully turns up in wasington d.c. hosp in a coma// mulder tries to cope d. by goodwin./. w. by morgan, wong
FireWalker 209 silicon-based spores// parasites unearthed by geologists studying a volcano// whole team gets wiped out/ /leader is missing/ scully and mulder investigate d. by nutter./.w. by gordon
Red Museum 210 additive to beef may be hurting area children// is a cult in volved?// mystery treatment by area pediatrician? d. by win phelps./. w. by carter
Excelsius Dei 211 nursing home ghosts// entity rape/ /oriental herbs figure in equation d. by stephen surjik./. w. by brown
Aubrey 212 evil stalks a family's genes thru generations/ /a female serial killer? d. by bowman./. w. by sara b charno
Irresistable 213 grave desecrations/ /death fetishist// donnie pfaster (mortician) collects souvenirs/ /he likes scull'ys looks d. by nutter./.w. by carter
Die Hand Die Verletz 214 devil worshippers in PTA in small rural town// satan (?) as female biology teacher? d. by kim manners./.w. by morgan, wong
Fresh Bones 215 voodoo on army base/ /haitian detainees are kept there/ /are they being mistreated as alleged by detainee child? d. by bowman,/. w. by gordon
Colony 216 part 1 of 2/ /bounty hunter (brian thompson) is assassinating hybrid human-alien clones// most of them are scientists or in technical fields d. by nick marck./.w. by carter// story by carter, duchovny
End Game 217 part 2/ /after several murdered victims (all looking alike) are investigated by the x-files, mulder tries to beat the killer to his next victims / /the killer can change his appearance d. by bowman./.w. by frank spotnitz
Fearful Symmetry 218 zoo-animal abductions from fairfield, idaho// the animals reappear, but miles away/ /they are no longer "expecting" when they come back d. by james whitmore jr./.w. by steve de jarnatt
Dod Kalm 219 aging on ship in norse sea/ /sailors died of old age// scully & mulder try to recreate the situation with too-excellent results// time warp .d. by bowman./.w. by gordon, gansa
Humbug 220 side-show murders// evil twin// jim rose & company appear as themselves/ /enigma is great!// scully eats a cockroach- live and on camera d. by manners./.w. by darin morgan
Calusari, The 221 child has evil power// calusari tries to control him d. by michael vejar./.w. by charno
F. Emasculata 222 quarantine in prison/ insect from S. A./ exploding boils/experimentation by drug company on prisoners/ escaped convicts may spread outbreak d. by bowman./.w. by carter, gordon
Soft Light 223 man's shadow can kill/ /stay out of the shadows!! d. by james contner./.w. by vince gilligan
Our Town 224 chaco chicken factory// small town of cannibals// hitch-hikers disappear regularly d. by bowman./.w. by frank spotnitz
Anasazi 225 part 1 of 3/ /indians find alien (?) bones/ DAT tape of blue book// last show of 94-95 season .d. by goodwin./.w. by carter (story by carter, duchovny)
The Blessing Way 301 part 2 of 3// mulder is given navaho healing ceremony// stand-off between skinner and scully d. bygoodwin./.w. bycarter
Paper Clip 302 krycek kills scully's sister by accident/ /navahos LEARN the DAT tape, so it cannot stay hidden d. by bowman./.w. by carter
D.P.O. 303 rural kid is struck by lightning// Darryl P. Osborne does electrical wonders and horrors with the use of lightning d. by manners./.w. by gordon
Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose 304 peter boyle plays clyde bruckman, an insurance salesman- psychic/ / killer is targeting psychics/ mulder asks him for help on the case/ /scully is skeptical d. by nutter./.w. by darin morgan
List, The 305 death-row killer promises to kill his list of enemies after he dies// then he DOES d. by carter./.w. by carter
2Shy 306 lonely hearts body-fat vampire // virgil incanto charms heavy women on the internet- meets them, and kills them d. by nutter./.w. by jeffrey vlaming
The Walk 307 out-of-body traveler (quadriplegic ex-vet) torments his old superiors families/ /he blames the brass for his injuries, and wants to make them suffer d. by bowman./.w. byjon shiban
Oubliette 308 child photog steals child// puts her in a basement/ his former victim helps locate the new victim at her own risk// she seems to suffer when the other girl does d. by manners./.w. by charles grant craig
Nisei 309 part 1 of 2// alien autopsy tape/ /boxcar // is it alien or human experimentation?? d. by nutter./.w. by carter, gordon, spotnitz
731 310 part2 of 2// are ex-war criminals from WW2 involved?// mulder finds the boxcar// is followed d. by bowman./.w. by spotnitz
Revelations 311 man is killing people who exhibit stigmata, including a little boy who may be the real thing// mulder and scully try to save him// others help also d. by nutter./.w. by kim newton
War of the Cophrages 312 cockroaches found at murder scenes seem to have metal exo-skeletons d. by manners./.w. by darin morgan
Syzygy 313 deaths in a small town coincide with strange astrological phenomena// 2 girls with same birthday make things "happen" d. by bowman./.w. by carter
Grotesque 314 gargoyle-loving serial slasher is caught// copycat killer arises// kurtwood smith plays mulder's old FBI boss (VICAP) who asks for his help on the case d. by manners./.w. by gordon
Piper Maru 315 part 1 of 2/ /french salvage ship brings back crew with radiation burns from an under-sea wreck// the pilot is un-hurt// black oil swirls in his eyes d. by bowman./.w. by spotnitz, carter
Apocrypha 316 part 2 / /krycek is taken over by the black-oil phenomena// is doing bad things as usual d. by manners./.w. by spotnitz, carter
Pusher 317 robert wisdon plays robert wodell, a failed FBI candidate who goes for revenge// he forces people to obey him thru suggestion/ power of his voice/ /targets mulder and scully d. by bowman./.w. by vince gilligan
Teso Dos Bichos 318 amura urn// shaman bones from ecuador// modern shamans warn workers not to remove the bones, but they brting them back to their museum// workers in the museum begin to die d. by manners./.w. by jon shiban
Hell Money 319 chinese gambling ring// they gamble with living people's organs/ /the losers must pay up .d. by tucker gates./.w. by vlaming
Jose Chung's "From Outer Space" 320 tabloid writer jose chung ( played by chas nelson reilly) does background for article about an x-file case-( hilarious--includes the cigarette-smoking alien in a cage- scene) d. by bowman./.w. by darin morgan
Avatar 321 skinner has nightmares// flashbacks of an old woman// problems with his estranged wife d. by james charleston./.w. by gordon (story by gordon, duchovny)
Quagmire 322 nessie-type lake monster suspected of attacking people around a lake// the problem is it was just supposed to be a legend// boy scout troop leader eaten d. by manners./.w. by newton
Wetwired 323 induced mania produces killers// cancer-man is running ops/ /new informant (X) figures prominently d. by bowman./.w. by matt beck
Talitha Cumi 324 part 1 of 2/ /final show of 95-96 season// man (roy thinnes) stops robbery in progress, and heals all those shot during incident// brian thompson reprises role as bounty-hunter after the samaritan// mulder's mom has stroke .d. by goodwin./.w. by carter (story by carter, duchovny)
Herrenvolk 401 part 2 // mulder visits farm with clones or drones farmers (samantha look-alikes) // bounty-hunter kills jonathon (thinnes)/ new informant (X) is killed// write initials in his blood on the floor d. by goodwin./.w. by carter
Home 402 family of weird mutants// are they trying to breed ? No luck/ /last stand at their old homestead d. by manners./.w. by morgan, wong
Teliko 403 african man feeds off pigment in black men's skin, draining and eventually killing them// diplomatic immunity? d. by charleston./.w. by gordon
Unruhe 404 serial-killer takes "future photos" showing coming deaths// hears "howlers" in his head// scully gets too close d. by bowman./.w. by gilligan
The Field Where I Died 405 koolaid cult's last stand with firearms// past lives review for mulder d. by bowman./.w. by morgan, wong
Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man 406 story of his life as seen thru his memories// is fox possibly his son??? Hmmm??? d. by wong./.w. by morgan
Paper Hearts 407 serial child-murderer takes fabric hearts from his victim's clothes// was samantha mulder possibly a victim rather than an abductee? // fox investigates/ /takes trip w/ murderer against regulations d. by bowman./.w. bygilligan
Leonard Betts 408 leonard betts, an EMS worker is decapitated in an ambulance crash// he regenerates and lives on thru cancer cells?? d. by bowman./.w. byspotnitz, gilligan, shiban
Tunguska 409 part 1/ /smuggler with diplomatic pouch// deadly cargo?//krycek reappears to try to hijack the pouch// says he's on mulder's side d. by manners, bowman./.w. by spotnitz, carter
Terma 410 part 2// mulder captured in russia// infected w/ black-oil thing//congressional hearings are going on/ /scully must testify d. by manners, bowman./.w. by spotnitz, carter
El Mundo Gira 411 chupacabra// goat-eating demon is eating immigrants near the mex-amer border// mulder investigates d. by tucker gates./.w. by shiban
Memento Mori 412 scully gets brain cancer/ /all other women in the abduction circle (last season) got it ,too// is it inoperable? d. by manners./.w. bycarter, shiban, spotnitz, gilligan
Never Again 413 "betty" tattoo (voice by jodie foster) on young man //drives him to evil deeds/ /he meets and befriends scully/ /betty doesn't LIKE that d. by bowman./.w. by morgan, wong
Kaddish 414 murdered orthodox jew is beaten to death by 3 white supremacists// they then die one by one at the hands of a killer with the dead-man's fingerprints// golem d. by manners./.w. by gordon
Unrequited 415 MIA viet-nam vet seems invisible as he assassinates those who left him to rot for 25 years d. by lange./.w. by gordon
Tempus Fugit 416 part 1 of 2// fox and dana investigate a jet-airliner crash//well-known "abductee" max fenning (steve bellis) was on board// see "fallen angel" episode (seas 1)/ was another aircraft involved? d. by bowman./.w. by carter, spotnitz
Max 417 part 2// crash was a 3-way crash/ /commercial jet, air-force plane, and a UFO/ mulder finds the 3rd craft's wreckage underwater, sees alien corpses, before being chased off by military d. by manners./.w. by carter, spotnitz
Small Potatoes 418 eddie is a shape-shifter of very low potential// 5 babies are born with tails in the same town// all have same father, eddie// he takes mulder's shape for part of this episode--very funny! d. by cliff boyle./.w. by vince gilligan
Zero Sum 419 killer bees carrying small-pox virus escape from a broken pkg in the u.s. mail// cover-up ensues, with skinner deeply involved d. by manners./.w. by gordon, spotnitz
Elegy 420 murder victims of serial killer appear to dying people as wraiths// harold, a bowling-alley worker, is a suspect// scully sees 2 wraiths (remember, she has brain-tumor) d. by james charleston./.w. by shiban
Synchrony 421 a suspect claims innocence because a seer foretold the murder// cryogenics doctor- back from the future, and trying to change the past??` d. by charleston./.w. by david greenwalt
Sanguinarium 422 plastic surgery hospital is scene of several gruesome deaths --by accident, insanity, or design? d. by manners./.w. by valerie mayhew, vivian mayhew
Demons 423 mulder wakes up covered in blood// calls scully// can't remember if he killed someone d. by manners./.w. by goodwin
Gethsemene 424 part 1/ /season finale of 96-97// has mulder committed suicide?// scully I.d.s his dead body in his apartment/ /she testifies to the x-files being a total waste// is she betraying all they worked for?/ to be continued-- d. by goodwin./.w. by carter
Redux 501 part 2// season premiere of 97-98 season// mulder searcfhes files od DOD while scully testifies// he looks for cure for scully's cancer, believing it was artificially induced// he is still presumed dead d. by r w goodwin./.w. by carter
Redux II 502 part 3/ /mole in FBI uncovered// cancer-man produces samantha as his daughter/ /with him all these years// csm is assassinated in this episode- morley/s didn't get him after all--his body is not found-just lots of his blood??? Hmmm… d. by manners./.w. by carter
The Unusual Suspects 503 how the lone gunmen got together// how they met mulder and joined forces , originally // byers,langley,frohicke .d. by manners./.w. by gilligan
Detour 504 mothmen of the appalachians// people start disappearing after a developer encroaches on their part of the forest d. by brett dowler./.w. by spotnitz
Post-Modern Prometheus 505 b&w frankenstein spoof// 2-faced monster// mad scientist brother// odd father d. by j ransom./.w. by carter
Christmas Carol 506 part 1// scully goes home for christmas// niece (?) surfaces- possibly the child of her murdered sister d. peter marlke./.w. by gilligan, shiban, spotnitz
Emily 507 part 2/ /scully tries to save emily// dna testing shows emily IS closely related d. by manners./.w. by gilligan, shiban, spotnitz
Kitsunegari 508 sequel to "pusher" episode (season 4) // robert modell (pusher) escapes from his mental-hospital prison/ but wasn't he catatonic? // did he have help?// his enemies start dying d. by daniel sackheim./.w. by gilligan, minear
Schizogeny 509 boy's father is pushed into a bog// was he abusing the boy?/ / was it revenge?/ / another parent dies// mulder starts to suspect their guidance councillor of telling the kids to fight back with force d. by ralph hermecker./.w. by jessica scott, mike wollaeger
Inside the X-Files 510 clips//interviews/ /hints from up-coming first x-files movie
Chinga 511 evil doll// autistic child// "let's have fun" // scully goes to maine for a weekend of leisure/ mulder sits around and doodles/ /stephen king wrote this (for shame--memories of Cujo and a wasted $6.95) d. by manners./.w. stephen king, carter
Kill Switch 512 AI freaks want to evolve on the web// they set a monster loose, and want to go get it// lone gunmen help mulder // william gibson wrote this (yay) d. by bowman./.w. by william gibson, tom maddox
Bad Blood 513 texan "vampire" ronnie silbur, pizza delivery boy// mulder stakes him thru the heart// while making out their report, they remember events differently// very funny episode/ / while they ponder over details, ronnie's corpse escapes from the morgue d. by cliff bole./.w. by gilligan
Patient X 514 part 1//scientists try to make a vaccine against the "black-oil" virus -alien origin// krycek features prominently/ /large groups (gatherings) of past abductees are being killed around the world d. by manners./.w. by carter, spotnitz
The Red and the Black 515 part 2// multiple abductees mass to sites// are burned by un-earthly looking men/ /two alien factions are fighting over fate of humans after colonization// exterminate or peace-ful co-existence/ /shoot out at scully's scene d. by carter./.w. by carter, spotnitz
Travelers 516 organ-sucking serial-murderer-monster// edward skur/ /is he now or was he EVER a communist, too?// mulder finds ties to his father's day in the bureau d. by bill graham./.w. by shiban, spotnitz
Mind's Eye 517 lili taylor stars as blind girl who sees visions// visions are from the killer's point of view d. by manners./.w. by carter, spotnitz
Folie a Deux 518 madness shared by two// telemarketing zombies?/ / workplace killing spree perp tells mulder his boss is a monster, and, out of the corner of his eye, mulder notices that the guy is RIGHT d. by bowman./.w. by gilligan
All Souls 519 4 girls (quad-ruplets w/ anomalies) are separately being killed by immolation// priest moves to intervene- so does child-services/ /scully also feels involved// they try to save them , one by one d. by bowman./.w. by spotnitz, shiban
Pine Bluff Variant, The 520 militant group of terrorists/ /mulder infiltrates// germ warfare trials?// someone else may be a mole in the group d. by bowman./.w. by spotnitz, shiban
End, The 521 last show of 97-98// cancer-man returns fron exile// csm tells spender he is HIS father/ /x-files office is burnt/ /don't these people back up files??? d. by r w goodwin./.w. by carter
The Beginning 601 x-files is going to be recovered thru restoring burnt files// mulder & scully won't be on them anymore// re-assigned/ /they do investigating cases on their weekends WRITTEN BY: CHRIS CARTER
Drive 602 govt facility tests low-frequency sound weapon underground in nevada/ /it affects people in the area/ /driving west seems to help, but stopping hurts! WRITTEN BY:
Triangle 603 WW2 dress// time warp?? // bermuda triangle// big kissing scene between mulder and the "old" version of scully, so it doesn't count! WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY: CHRIS CARTER
Dreamland 604 part 1// mulder's mind & an area 51 agent's mind are swapped in a bizarre identity twister// will scully believe him as he's hauled off at the end?? W. by VINCE GILLIGAN, JOHN SHIBAN, FRANK SPOTNITZ// D. BY KIM MANNERS
Dreamland II 605 part 2// scully does believe mulder, and helps to make him be available, in case they (morris and mulder)can be switched back W. BY:VINCE GILLIGAN, JOHN SHIBAN, FRANK SPOTNITZ// D. BY:KIM MANNERS
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas 606 dana and fox stay overnight in a haunted house where people die each x-mas// ed asner guest-stars WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY: CHRIS CARTER
Rain King 607 a county with very unusual weather may be an x-file--can a man comtrol the weather with his thoughts?//mulder utters "that cow had my name on it!"// funny WRITTEN BY: Jeffrey Bell
DIRECTED BY: Kim Manners
Terms of Endearment 608 "demon daddy" insurance man wants a "normal" child, and keeps trying to have one, at such a cost WRITTEN BY: DAVID AMANN
S.R. 819 609 skinner is poisoned and almost dies// krycek returns--was he behind it? WRITTEN BY: John Shiban
DIRECTED BY: Daniel Sackheim
Tithonus 610 man takes photos of those about to die// is he actually 149 years old? // mulder thinks so// scully is split up from mulder// mulder does background checks til he drops WRITTEN BY: Vince Gilligan
DIRECTED BY: Michael Watkins
Agua Mala 611 a sea monster takes up residence in the pipes of an apartment building, during a hurricane, munching on occupants WRITTEN BY: David Amann
Two Fathers 612 part 1// the truth will be told// secrets will be answered// promises, promises W. BY: Jeffrey Bell, Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz /
D. BY: Kim Manners
One Son 613 part 2// more truth will out, yada, yada……. WRITTEN BY: Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz
Arcadia 614 "laura and rob petry"..(mulder & scully) move into a house in an exclusive suburb where couples have been disappearing// you must be assimilated!! WRITTEN BY:Daniel Arkin
DIRECTED BY:Michael Watkins
Monday 615 the same day of the week is replayed over and over as one woman tries to make it stop// mulder and scully intercept a bank-robbery in progress, everybody dies--well, maybe I exaggerate WRITTEN BY: Vince Gilligan & John Shiban
DIRECTED BY: Kim Manners
Alpha 616 a mysterious asian dog escapes from its freight container at a US port// port workers found dead inside// mulder enlists a dog-trainer for animal behavior advice// andy johnson guests as detweiller WRITTEN BY: Jeffrey Bell
DIRECTED BY: Peter Markle
Trevor 617 after an "impossible" prison escape during a tornado, a convict looks for his natural child, trevor// His ex-lover stole his hidden loot and never told him about his son// Matter is affected. WRITTEN BY: KEN HAWRYLIW & JIM GUTTRIDGE
Milagro 618 victims are found with their hearts removed, but without scars, as if they had "psychic surgery"// scully has a stalker, but he's cute, or is he the killer??// he lives next door to mulder. W. BY: Chris Carter, John Shiban & Frank Spotnitz
D. BY: Kim Manners
Unnatural, The 619 a retired policeman gives mulder a story about an old baseball friend back in roswell, new mexico, who was a " little different" from the rest of the team// Brian Thompson's bounty hunter character appears. WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY: DAVID DUCHOVNY
Three of a Kind 620 the lone gunmen lure scully to las vegas to a "def-con" in las vegas/ / they want her help, so fake her out that mulder needs her help // funny episode// watch for the "morris" character from "dreamland" WRITTEN BY: VINCE GILLIGAN & JOHN SHIBAN
Field Trip 621 mulder & scully in a field of poison mushrooms & bones // it's almost like a bad dream………… W. BY: FRANK SPOTNITZ & VINCE GILLIGAN & JOHN SHIBAN// D. BY: KIM MANNERS
Biogenesis 622 part1 of 3// season finale // researcher in africa's ivory coast finds an ancient stone fragment with navajo writing on it //travels to the usa // mulder reacts to the script & goes psycho//locked away WRITTEN BY: CHRIS CARTER & FRANK SPOTNITZ
Sixth Extinction, The 701 part 2 of 3// seas premiere// scully toils at the "ship" site in africa// weird things happen around her// mulder is still locked up, raving Written by Chris Carter
Directed by Kim Manners
Sixth Extinction II, The--Amor Fati 702 part 3// cancerman steals mulder out of hospital// mulder has wild dreams of "normalcy", but scully has different ideas Written by David Duchovny & Chris Carter//
Directed by Michael Watkins
Hungry 703 a fast-food worker has an eating disorder--big-time// it's the salty, buttery way brains taste when you crunch them…who could resist??// his testimony at Overeaters Anonymous is great!! Written by Vince Gilligan
//Directed by Kim Manners
Millenium 704 the millenium group has created zombies from 4 of its own members to fulfill a prophecy to end the world on new year's day// frank black helps scully & mulder track down the plot// big real kiss at the end!! Written by Vince Gilligan & Frank Spotnitz
// Directed by Thomas Wright
Rush 705 high school kids seem to be on "speed" // they are too fast to see, after visiting a cave where anomalies reside Written by David Amann
// Directed by Rob Lieberman
Goldberg Variation, The 706 the luckiest man in the world is having a tough week// then he crosses paths with mulder// the plot thickens Written by Jeffrey Bell
// Directed by Thomas J. Wright
Amazing Maleeni, The 707 a magician rotates his head 360 degrees during his stage show// soon he's found murdered with--you guessed it--his head cut off! W. by Vince Gilligan & John Shiban &
Frank Spotnitz
//D. by Thomas J. Wright
Signs and Wonders 708 holy rollers (rattlesnake handlers for faith) may have a "snake" in their midst// people ar dying of snakebites even when there are none around// rural preacher is suspected by mulder and scully W. by Vince Gilligan & John Shiban & Frank Spotnitz// d. by kim manners
Sein Und Zeit 709 part 1// child-abductors are at it, or is it the parents??//mulder is convinced that perhaps his sister had the same thing happen and that he's been wrong//his mother suicides///nobody shoots santa W. by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz// D. by Michael Watkins
Closure 710 (Sein Und Zeit II: Aliatope)part 2// mulder continues to search for the answers to samantha's disappearance// a psychic helps him search// they find her diary W. by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz// D. by Kim Manners
Orison 711 prison chaplain helps convicts break out of prison (thru hypnosis) so he can bring them to "god's" justice// this time he "helps" donnie pfaster..(see "irresistable"--season 2) Written by Chip Johannessen
// Directed by Rob Bowman
X-Cops 712 the TV show "Cops" follows mulder, scully and local authorities as they search for a "monster" reported at each full moon// irritating episode, still, better than "blair witch"--but reminded me of it! Written by Vince Gilligan
// Directed by Michael Watkins
First Person Shooter 713 VR game gone berserk?// expert gamers are being killed while testing a new VR arcade game with a very demanding female character W. by William Gibson & Tom Maddox// D. by Chris Carter
Theef 714 a doctor and his family are being harassed and killed// appalachian folk-healer is taking revenge for his daughter's death W. by Vince Gilligan & John Shiban &Frank Spotnitz // D. by Kim Manners
En Ami 715 cancerman appeals to scully to help find an existing cure for cancer, etc// an important scientist wants to give the technology to scully// CSM seems so sincere!! Written by William B. Davis
// Directed by Rob Bowman
Chimera 716 when a " normal" housewife's husband strays, it brings out her 'beast" within// first, victims see a raven, then a beast which attacks Written by David Amann//
Directed by Cliff Bole
all things 717 while helping mulder with crop-circle research, scully runs into an old flame// she still has issues// slow, down, scully! Written and directed by Gillian Anderson
Hollywood, A.D. 718 studio does a movie about an x-files case concerning resurrection / mulder wants richard gere to play him, but gets gary shandling//gere plays skinner/tea leone plays scully//zombie dancers are great! Written by David Duchovny//
Directed by David Duchovny
Fight Club 719 2 women look very alike// trouble starts when they are near each other// people start to fight for no reason// hilarious scene w/mulder and scully duking it out! Written by Chris Carter//
Directed by Paul Shapiro
Je Souhaite 720 when strange things happen, it seems someone may be having their wishes come true// after scully autopsies an invisible corpse, she starts to believe mulder--a genie may be involved Written by Vince Gilligan
Directed by Vince Gilligan
Brand X 721 morleys may be killing test subjects// genetically engineered tobacco bugs are involved// one guy seems immune, so may be important to the investigation Written by Steven Maeda and Greg Walker//
Directed by Kim Manners
Requiem 722 season finale// more abductions are being reported in same N.W. town where first x-file was investigated// krycek is let out of jail by CSM// mulder is afraid scully could be at risk, so asks her to sit out the case Written by Chris Carter// Directed by Kim Manners
Within 801 season premiere// john doggett is assigned to help scully search for mulder// he suspects mulder faked the whole thing to prove his "abduction" stories and theories Written by Chris Carter
Directed by Kim Manners
Without 802 doggett races scully & skinner to find gibson (the child from ""), with whom they expect to find mulder// they do! Or do they?// doggett chases mulder & gibson into the desert & off a cliff Written by Chris Carter
Directed by Kim Manners
Patience 803 when strange murders occur in idaho, doggett and scully investigate a real-life batman// good bond develops between the new partners as they save each other from the vengeful fiend Written by Chris Carter
Directed by Chris Carter
Roadrunners 804 rural cult members drive a bus along the highway to pick up people to get fresh minds for their "god" which is some sluglike parasite// scully investigates alone without a cell phone (?!)// doggett to the rescue, but will he be in time? Written by Vince Gilligan
Directed by Rod Hardy
Redrum 805 a black agent (played by joe morton-"the brother from another planet", and "T-2"), known to doggett, is sentenced to die for the murder of his wife// time seems to roll backward for him Teleplay by Steven Maeda
Story by Steven Maeda and Daniel Arkin
Directed by Peter Markle
Via Negativa 806 when an entire cult , and the agents watching their house, are found murdered (by an axe?), simple explanantions don't suffice// the leader of the cult is missing and is the logical suspect Written by Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Tony Wharmby
Invocation 807 10 years after a child is taken from a fairground, he reappears--looking EXACTLY as he did 10 years before// his family is afraid of him// he doesn't speak// the FBI wants to know who took him! Written by David Amann
Directed by Richard Compton
Surekill 808 a man runs into a police station asking for refuge from a killer// while in a safe holding cell, he is shot--from the roof down thru all stories of the building// a lucky shot??// man w/ x-ray eyes Written by Greg Walker
Directed by Terrence O'Hara
Salvage 809 Ray Pearce is a man who comes back from the "dead" as a man of steel, wanting revenge// people are turning up with his handprints in their dead skulls Written by Jeffrey Bell
Directed by Rod Hardy
Badlaa 810 a man tries to shake a beggar in an indian airport// the little guy is persistent!!// scully is getting a rep as the "new mulder" in the department Written by John Shiban
Directed by Tony Wharmby
Gift, The 811 doggett investigates an old case of mulder's// the dates conflict with the report mulder wrote, and scully was left in the dark about it, too, although she signed the reports, too//a soul-eater shaman Written by Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Kim Manners
Medusa 812 when a subway field agent is found horribly killed in a subway car, doggett is sent down with a group from several agencies to explore what happened// scully runs the operation from above// toxic waste or marine life-form? Written by Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Richard Compton
Per Manum 813 mr haskell goes to the FBI with a story that doctors killed his wife during child-birth// scully fears for her own child// thru flashbacks the possibility of mulder being the dad is raised// doggett is a good guy! Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Kim Manners
This Is Not Happening 814 part 1 of 2// abductees taken just before mulder are turning up in bad shape// someone's grabbing them// helping?? // roy thinnes reprises role as sympathetic alien who heals// mulder is returned----dead!! Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Kim Manners
DeadAlive 815 part 2 of 2//mulder is buried// 3 months later, skinner and doggett dig him up, after another 'dead" abductee is found still "barely" alive// krychek wants to make an unholy deal w/ skinner// doggett chooses sides// billy miles is the abductee Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Tony Wharmby
Three Words 816 mulder begins working on an x-file// tries to prove alien colonization is under-way// tension abounds between the new coworkers Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Tony Wharmby
Empedocles 817 an evil man dies in a car wreck// another man seems to take over the persona of the killer// jay underwood guests as the bewildered bad guy--"this just isn't ME!" Written by Greg Walker
Directed by Barry K. Thomas
Vienen 818 a mysterious murder on a oil-drilling platform gets both mulder (who is off the x-files) and doggett interested// a mexican worker went crazy and killed the radio operator, then was killed himself// black oil abounds--vienen--"they're coming" Written by Steven Maeda
Directed by Rod Hardy
Alone 819 doggett and a new agent go to investigate a caretaker's death on a big estate// the son of the victim is missing, and there seems to be reptile venom in the corpse's eyes// when they don't check in, mulder checks it out Written and Directed by Frank Spotnitz
Essence 820 Part 1//when a genetics lab co-owned by scully's ob-gyn is blown up, mulder and doggett team up (un-officially) to ensure her safety, and that of her unborn child// billy miles is a kewl ET hitman now Written by Chris Carter
Directed by Kim Manners
Existence 821 Part 2//season finale// scully hides out in the country (w/agent reyes) to give birth while her friends try to keep others from finding her// the "foes" end up taking no action against her after her child is born Written by Chris Carter
Directed by Kim Manners
Nothing Important Happened Today 901 seas 9 premiere// part 1// scully is on maternity leave// mulder has gone on to do mediocre feature films.// doggett and reyes are doing policework// supersoldiers are killing whistle-blowers -- water conspiracy-- guest star- lucy lawless (xena) Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Kim Manners
Nothing Important Happened Today II 902 part 2// doggettt's search for an intra-agency connection is thwarted, but he is able to make some headway towards slowing the evil project// the director may have pointed him toward the case in the first place--to shake things up?? cary elwes joins the cast. Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Tony Wharmby
Dæmonicus 903 with scully reassigned to quantico, doggett and reyes do their first x-file together// satanic ritual murders// the main suspect escaped from a prison for the criminally insane, but doggett gets a bad vibe from the guy kneeling and meditating in the next cell. Written and Directed by Frank Spotnitz
4-D 904 john doggett brings a housewarming gift to monica reyes' house- hot dogs!// she gets a phone call--doggett's been shot and is near death// there is an eye-witness, erwin lukesh, who claims that monica shot john in an alley 14 miles from her home! (good ep!)
Written by Steven Maeda,Directed by Tony Wharmby
Lord of the Flies 905 a local cable reality show "Cap'n Dare" attempts a stunt for a "Jackass" like show and suffers an accident. The investigation of the accident has Doggett & Reyes calling in Scully after flies fly out from the dead victim's eye socket. Written by Thomas Schnauz; directed by Kim Manners
Trust No 1 906 thru channels, a man makes claims about having a list of the super-soldiers--which he'll ONLY give to mulder// scully makes a couple's acquaintance- they claim their child is "gifted" like her own.
Written by David Amann; directed by Kim Manners
John Doe 907 Doggett appears to have amnesia. He's in a Mexican jail without any memory of who he is or how he got there when one of the other "detainees" offers him some advice--work as a coyote when he gets out. Written by Vince Gilligan, directed by Rod Hardy
Hellbound 908 Doggett and Reyes investigate the death of Victor Potts, a reformed criminal who, just prior to being skinned to death, began seeing everyone else walking around as if THEY were skinned alive. Written by David Amann; directed by Kim Manners
Provenance 909 When pieces of the spaceship beached in Africa resurface, the conspiracy within the FBI attempts to hide the information from the X-Files, especially the one person for whom the pieces have a special significance - Scully Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Kim Manners
Providence 910 part 2// after learning that Mulder may be dead, Scully has worse news--her baby, William, is kidnapped by a space-cult Written by Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by Kim Manners
Audrey Pauley 911 Monica is in a car wreck and the ER doctor is a "Dr. Death" type-character// she ends up in a coma, and her spirit is trapped in a zone with other comatose victims of the same doctor//only Audrey Pauley, the flower-lady at the hospital, can reach between the two "places", it seems, and maybe she can help. Written by Steven Maeda Directed by Kim Manners
Underneath 912 The "Screwdriver Killer",( a case Doggett worked on in 1989 when he was a Brooklyn cop), is let out of prison //The killings resume// Doggett, Scully, and Reyes are investigating. There seems to be another man involved-- Was the guy an innocent dupe all along? Written and Directed by John Shiban
Improbable 913 Serial killing by the numbers// Monica thinks a killer is using numerology to find his victims// is she a genius, or a fringe lunatic to believe it could be true? (this was my fav ep this year) Burt Reynolds guests as The Gamemaster Written and Directed by Chris Carter
Scary Monsters 914 Agent Harrison tells Scully that her friend is involved with an X-file in real life// Scully says it's NOT an X-file, just an odd way of committing suicide// a little boy sees monsters under the bed, and says they killed his mom Written by Thomas Schnauz// Directed by Dwight Little
Jump the Shark 915 The Lone Gunmen help the X-files on one last case// Former "Man in Black" Morris Fletcher (see "Dreamland" ep #604) puts them onto their old cohort Yves being a super-soldier-assassin; could it be true? (note from camarila-Trekkies like me will love the ending- too bad there had to BE an end!) Written by Vince Gilligan, John Shiban & Frank Spotnitz// Directed by Cliff Bole
William 916 scully wonders whether a disfigured man (who is caught breaking into doggett's office) could be mulder// first he seems harmless, then he seems to be a menace to her son, william Story by David Duchovny, Frank Spotnitz & Chris Carter Teleplay by Chris Carter Directed by David Duchovny
Release 917 Doggett is given info which could lead to solving the child-murder of his own son years ago// a "psychic" FBI intern sees visions of the killer, but is this guy for real? Story by John Shiban & David Amann Teleplay by David Amann Directed by Kim Manners
Sunshine Days 918 When a neighborhood vandal gets thrown through the roof in a quiet neighborhood, the team finds the resident to be a man extremely obsessed with "The Brady Bunch" Written and Directed by Vince Gilligan
The Truth 919 On trial for murder, Mulder acts to save his life, then tries to justify the existence of the X-Files and to prove the existence of extraterrestrials//yada, yada, yada// finally we get the due date for the invasion!! The year- 2011-- time for two feature X-File films before we die, Chris…...but what the hell am I supposed to do on Sunday nights now?? Written By: Chris Carter Directed By: Kim Manners

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