Hi there I'm Amber and welcome to my homepage. If this looks dull or boring, sorry it's my first time doing this. What can I tell ya about me? Well for starters, I'm 23 (24 in May), 5'3, light reddish-brown hair and I have deep blue eyes. I'm currently in college, and hopefully my last year, majoring in computer programming. Take my word for it, I'm no computer GEEK!!! I'd like to pursue a career using computers in the designing aspect, whether it be desktop publishing or advertisements.
I love all kinds of music, especially alternative and R&B. Mostly I listen to Korn, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, Joan Jett, Live, Journey, Prince, Will Smith, Mariah Carey, and Mia, just to name a few. As far as going to any cool concerts, I haven't made it to one yet. The only one, well actually two, has been to see the Gin Blossoms. They're good live, just not everyone's cup of tea.

I'm also very intuned with nature, and love the beauty of it. Not only do I love nature but animals too. I have 6 pets, 2 dogs and 4 cats, of which are mostly strays. My mom is going to kill me if I bring any more home, the only thing is she's a softy at heart just like me.

I'll finish this off with a list of my hobbies. I love to play tennis, even though I suck at it, dance, music, watching hockey and football, going to the gym, poetry, and spending time with my friends. I also enjoy chatting to my buddies off of Korn korner (you know who you are). And if you're into hockey and football, my favorite teams are AZ Coyotes, Pittsburgh Penguins, Pittsburgh Steelers, SF 49ers, and can't forget the Mountaineers.

Well I hope you enjoy the site, even though there isn't much on it right now. I'll have more on here once I know how to manage everything. Thanks for stopping by.
email or suggestions: firebird_98transAM@mailcity.com