Hey!!! Did you even knock first?!? For all you
know, I could just be getting out of the shower!!
And I really don't think you'd like to see that...
or would you?...
Don't worry, I'll have some great links later on.
Keep coming back...and back...and back... (got the
Wait! Before you go
any further, read the Pulitzer Prize winning story,
"AuToPsY", written by me. (yes,
thank you, thank you. Okay, no prizes, but I made
you look, didn't I?)
If you have some cool links that you think I should
take a look at and maybe post, mail me with them and
tell me about them.
Hey, Look, I got some cool Pics!
Here are a few linx.
Check it out!
Check out my page of quotes (space fillers) and
send me some.
You are visitor number since February
1st of '02, pretty cool, huh?
Alright, I think I finally got my Guestbook working, so go ahead
and sign it, then view
Are You Too Good For Just Any
Guestbook??? Well Then...
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