Mellotrons, Chamberlins, and their Sounds

Welcome to the original Web page devoted to Mellotrons and Chamberlins, the tape-based analog replay keyboards that first became poplular in the sixties. These fascinating instruments, originally made famous by groups like The Moody Blues, The Beatles, and Genesis, are enjoying a re-discovery forty years later by a new generation of musicians and listeners. Despite the fact that they have no true voice of their own, the unique sounds that these instruments create is unmistakable.

This site exists as a source of information for those who want to know more about these instruments, to look back fondly at the legacy left by the musicians who originally discovered them, and to help promote the warm new music being made today.


Mellotrons are still in production! Also parts including tape sets, videos, T-shirts, and information are available from Mellotron Archives. Check out this site for terrific photos and information on the new machines.

Also, reconditioned Mellotrons and restoration of old machines is available from Streetly Electronics. Run by John Bradley (son of Les Bradley who with his brothers developed the original Mellotrons) and Martin Smith in the UK, they also have representatives in the US.

All text on these pages is Copyright 1996-2005, by Bob Snyder
email: bob DOT snyder AT cox DOT net

Last updated on October 15, 2005