warm welcome to Eurodance Department!
October 7, 1998: This site will be no longer updated
in the next year!!! I'm working at my graduation thesis and soon
I'll join as a conscientious objector a community of children
with problematic families. In Italy military service is compulsory,
but you have the civil right to be a conscientious objector and
refuse to join the army. I will read mail only occasionally.
August 30, 1998: First Italian dance parade of August
after holidays.
August 28, 1998: First update after holidays! There is no new dance
parade, since Disco Radio will resume it in September.
July 28, 1998: New Italian dance parade!
July 14, 1998: New Italian dance parade!
Previous updates...
Don't forget
to write something interesting, funny or simply sign our
guest book!
If you have comments
or you simply want to chat write
me, I will be happy to talk with you!
Give a look to a
photo of myself in a beautiful place!