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Hi!!!sup??!!I am in a boarding school now...*just for 3 months* and I won't be editing this home page until I get back to Ecuador..I just have to say something really quick....Hanson "Wierd" single is out!...yay!! Did ya whach the Oprah show??!! It was GREAT!!! I tape it!...
Please do not send e-mail to me saying whatever, I am not Hanson!.. ok?? I am not going to be updating this page until I find someone to do it.
As ya should know Hanson was nominated for some awards at the Grammis BUT they didn't win..=(..they sang anyway and they were GREAT!..
CUTE..UHU??!! it's something that Ash sent me..thank you Ash!
This info came from Urban Tulsa. I only ask that if you put it on your page, give me some credit, if you haven't heard already received this info. Thanx! ~Ash~ P.S. HANSON ROX, ROLZ and RULZ!!!!
Hanson Comes Alive By Jarrod Gollihare ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The wait is finally over. For the mighty throngs of Hanson fans scattered across North America whoíve been wandering about in the Wilderness of Discontent, crying aloud "Wherefore art thou Blessed Three? When shalt thou grace our presence with thine own?" the answer to their collective longing has finally come into view. And it all starts right back at ground zero where the Hanson explosion began ñ the boysí home town of Tulsa. Thatís right. Hansonís concert tour plans have at long last been announced, ending months of endless fan speculation and queries. During the recent press melee that inevitably follows the Grammy Awards, it was revealed that the world famous trio will begin a three month-jaunt across the U.S. and Canada beginning with a proposed April 14 kick-off concert here in Tulsa at the Convention Center. "Weíd planned on touring much earlier," confesses guitarist/vocalist Ike Hanson. "But because of scheduling we werenít able to get out as soon as we had hoped." MORE PICTURES "One of the downsides of getting popular," says keyboardist/vocalist Taylor Hanson, "is that you end up doing a lot more television and radio interviews than actually playing concerts. It changes the whole point of being a bandÖwhich is to get out there and entertain people. Doing the tour is high on our priority list right now." "Yeah, weíre definitely looking forward to touring," Ike continues. "Ití s been a while since weíve consistently done performances, so to get back out there and do a show every other night will be a very cool experience again for us. Because, you know, thatís what itís all about." He really means it, too. Ike, Taylor, and their younger brother Zac Hanson (drums and vocals), simply love playing live. It is one of the central reasons they got into the rockíníroll biz in the first place. They live for hitting the stage, turning their amps up to 11 and tearing into their music. Unfortunately for them, however, they havenít had many opportunities to do that since they signed with Mercury Records late in 1996. Oh, theyíve gotten to do plenty of really cool things sinceófrom recording a multi-platinum CD in Los Angeles, to appearing on every major talk show known to man, to touring the world, including several trips to Europeóbut actually playing live with a full band and electric guitars and keyboards and a drum set and amplifiers has been a luxury afforded them only infrequently. Most of their performances over the past year have been brief acoustic appearances meant to bolster public awareness (as if they needed help there) and enthuse the media. "Thereís a fairly common misconception that we actually did a concert tour of Europe," says Ike. "But we were actually just doing promotion that whole time. Itís not nearly as fulfilling when youíre just doing a 15-30 minute acoustic show for these people who are there to see you perform. You want to give them more than that. And you want to play longer for your own satisfaction too." Now it looks like theyíll finally get their chance to be a touring pop band. Hitting the road in April with local pop band Admiral Twin as their opening act, Hanson will be performing all the songs from their debut CD, Middle of Nowhere, along with some songs from the two independently produced CDs they released before they were signed, some brand new material, and a few influential golden oldies such as Aretha Franklinís "Think" and The Spencer Davis Groupís "Gimme Some Loviní." Urban Tulsa On-line Weekly ÝÝÝÝÝ Feb. 26-Mar. 4,1998
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