You are Raver nr:
who visits
this page.
I am glad you found this page and I hope 2 se U around often here
This page will mostly contain information about
Rave and Rave Culture
here in Denmark and also around Europe!
So if you have any suggestions, links pictures and other stuff which you would like to
share with others, drop me a line and I will
take care of this. I am sure we will find out of something!
Time is the main problem for me now so the progress here is a bit slow
but I had been working here last time on 15 november, 1997
Well, on the 08th of November 1997 I had been to a cool Rave in
Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. There where a lot of young people who where full of
energy and who paid 150 DKr (about 23 $) for entrance to this party. DJs and music was
great but the whole thing stooped when some cups founded some ecstasy. Yeah, party was
stooped just because of this and this sucks, people just had to take their things and
found the other club.
The only thing I have got back from this Goa Party is a couple of
You may se my flyer page right here.
This is all for now but I hope I will be able to put pictures and
info about Raves here soon!
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The Member Of DanBan
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