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We are not responsible for anything that may or may not happen.

Are you ready boys? Are you ready girls?

This Is Underground Radio

This program is broadcast on-air and via web stream Friday 01:30 AM (EST) from CFMU 93.3 FM.

Contact This Is Underground Radio:

McMaster University Student Centre, Room B119, Box 59, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4S4, Canada
Please ensure all correspondence is clearly marked.

Program Play Lists:

April 17, 2009 - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 280, 281, 282
Alan Watt on The Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: March 23, 2009
The Survival Podcast - Episode: 160

April 10, 2009 - S. Barrett on Red Ice Creations
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 275, 276, 277, 278, 279
Hacker Public Radio Episode: 310

April 03, 2009 - Repeat of previous broadcast

March 27, 2009 - Repeat of previous broadcast

March 20, 2009 - Dr. L. Horowitz on Red Ice Creations
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 105
Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 305, 307, 309
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 270, 271
The Survival Podcast - Episodes: 153, 154

March 13, 2009 - Repeat of previous broadcast

March 06, 2009 - Ian Crane on Red Ice Creations
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 104
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episode: 266
The Survival Podcast - Episodes: 147, 148, 150

February 27, 2009 - Repeat of previous broadcast

February 20, 2009 - T. Campbell on Red Ice Creations
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 103
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 255, 256, 257

February 13, 2009 - Daniel Tatman on Red Ice Creations
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 102
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 251, 252, 253

February 06, 2009 - The Survival Podcast - Episode: 136
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 235, 236
Terry Melanson on Red Ice Creations
Jim Elvidge on Red Ice Creations
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 101

January 30, 2009 - The Survival Podcast - Episodes: 116, 129, 130

January 23, 2009 - Repeat of previous broadcast

January 16, 2009 - The Survival Podcast - "Situational Awareness"
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 229, 230, 231
Alan Watt on The Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: January 09, 2009
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 100

January 09, 2009 - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 224, 225, 226, 227, 228
Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 253, 262
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 99

January 02, 2009 - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: Christmas Day 2008, 222, 223
The Urban Shooter - Episodes: 97, 98
A.J. Bruno on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: December 21, 2008
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: December 22, 2008

December 26, 2008 - Program pre-empted due to Christmas programming

December 19, 2008 - Christmas 2008 Special

December 12, 2008 - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 208, 209, 210, 211, 212
Hacker Public Radio Episode: 246
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 96

December 05, 2008 - Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 202, 203, 204, 205
P. Gardiner on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 27, 2008
Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 238, 240, 241
YTCracker - Meganerd

November 28, 2008 - Laurence Gardner on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 13, 2008
Frank Albo on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 16, 2008
Joan Veon on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 20, 2008
David Livingstone on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 23, 2008
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 95
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episode: 201

November 21, 2008 - Hacker Public Radio Episode: 230
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 94
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 195, 196, 197
Alan Watt on The Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: November 18, 2008
Hypnotech 3 - For David Wisdom at 3 AM, Rocket USA
The Carrie Nations - In The Long Run

November 14, 2008 - Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 216, 224, 225
The Urban Shooter - Episode: 93
Lynne McTaggart on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: March 05, 2007
Jan Irvin on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 09, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episodes: 190, 191
Shellac - The End Of Radio

November 07, 2008 - The Urban Shooter - Episode: 92
Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 211, 212, 215, 221
Donald Scott on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 02, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - Episode: 188
Alan Watt on The Secret Truth - original broadcast date: November 12, 2008

October 31, 2008 - The Urban Shooter - Episodes: 90, 91
Ben Stewart on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: October 23, 2008
Niki Rapaana on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: October 26, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - original broadcast dates: October 27, 29, 2008

October 24, 2008 - Kevin Annett on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: October 16, 2008
Hacker Public Radio Episode: 210
Alan Watt on The Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: October 20, 2008
Alan Watt on The Brown Bagger with Don Nordin � CFRO 102.7 FM - original broadcast date: October 20, 2008

October 17, 2008 - Paul Levy on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: October 09, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - original broadcast dates: October 10, 13, 2008
Hacker Public Radio Episode: 201

October 10, 2008 - Naomi Wolf - Arrest The President
Rep. Brad Sherman and Rep. Michael Burgess on C-SPAN
Alan Watt on Time Out with Kevin Gallagher and John McGowan - original broadcast date: October 03, 2008
Lyndon LaRouche - They will kill you
NPR - NorthCom: October 01, 2008
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - original broadcast dates: October 03, 06, 2008

October 03, 2008 - Repeat of previous broadcast

September 26, 2008 - Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 180, 186, 192, 193, 197
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN - original broadcast date: September 24, 2008

September 19, 2008 - Steve Willner on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: September 14, 2008
Alan Watt on "World Review Commentary" with George Butler - original broadcast date: September 14, 2008

September 12, 2008 - Brent Jessop on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 24, 2008
Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 31, 2008
Neil Kramer on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: September 04, 2008

September 05, 2008 - Welcome Week Broadcast

August 29, 2008 - Survivalism 101: NrKy's primer on Survivalism.
NrKy's second podcast on Survivalism. Scenarios: Asteroids/comets.
NrKy continuing the Survivalism 101 podcast thread, on the topic of Dependancy.
NrKy with a bit more on the topic of Dependancy.
Commodities for Trade.
Attribution: nrky; a member of

August 22, 2008 - Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 151, 163, 164, 165, 166
Michael Geist: Public Policy Forum Copyright Conference - original broadcast date: April 28, 2008
Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast dates: August 15, 18, 2008

August 15, 2008 - Hacker Public Radio Episodes: 159, 161
Michael Geist: Public Policy Forum Copyright Conference - original broadcast date: April 28, 2008
Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: August 11, 2008

August 08, 2008 - NOFX - The Decline
Hacker Public Radio Episode: 157
Michael Geist: Public Policy Forum Copyright Conference - original broadcast date: April 28, 2008
Alan Watt on The Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: August 05 2008

June 20, 2008 - August 01, 2008 - Summer Schedule: Rebroadcasts From The Archive

June 13, 2008 - No show this week in protest of bill C-61

June 06, 2008 - Repeat of previous broadcast

May 30, 2008 - Michael Geist: Public Policy Forum Copyright Conference - original broadcast date: April 28, 2008
Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: May 22, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: May 23, 2008
Hacker Public Radio Episode 103 - original broadcast date: May 22, 2008

May 23, 2008 - 2600.COM: Off The Hook - original broadcast date: May 14, 2008
Hacker Public Radio Episode 101 - original broadcast date: May 20, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: May 19, 2008

May 16, 2008 - Alan Watt on The Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: May 05, 2008

May 09, 2008 - Alan Watt on CKLN "Rude Awakening" - original broadcast date: April 08, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: April 29, 30, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: May 02, 2008

May 02, 2008 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: April 25, 2008
Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 20, 2008

April 25, 2008 - Alan Watt on Out There TV - original broadcast date: April 17, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: April 18, 2008

April 18, 2008 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: April 14, 2008

April 11, 2008 - Repeat of previous broadcast

April 04, 2008 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: March 24, 26, 28, 31, 2008

March 28, 2008 - Walter Graham on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: March 23, 2007
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: March 19, 21, 2008

March 21, 2008 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: March 10, 12, 14, 2008

March 14, 2008 - Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: January 18, 2007
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: March 06, 07, 2008

Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: February 29, March 03, 05, 2008

February 29, 2008 - *** HAPPY LEAP YEAR!!! ***
Repeat of previous broadcast

February 22, 2008 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: February 15, 2008

February 15, 2008 - Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: January 31, 2008
John Lash on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: February 10, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: February 11, 2008

February 08, 2008 - Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle show - original broadcast date: February 01, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: February 01, 04, 06, 2008

February 01, 2008 - Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: January 24, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: January 25, 2008

January 25, 2008 - Nick Begich on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: January 17, 2008
Alan Watt on Godbox Cafe - original broadcast date: January 19, 2008
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: January 23, 2008

January 18, 2008 - Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast dates: January 11, 14, 2008
Michael Coffman on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: January 13, 2008

January 11, 2008 - Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast dates: January 01, 03, 2008

January 04, 2008 - Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: December 25, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: December 30, 2007

December 28, 2007 - Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: December 20, 2007
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: December 21, 2007

December 21, 2007 - Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: December 13, 2007
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: December 14, 2007

December 14, 2007 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: December 05, 07, 09, 2007

December 07, 2007 - Naomi Wolf on The Alex Jones Show - original broadcast date: November 28, 2007
Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: November 29, 2007
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: November 30, 2007

November 30, 2007 - Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 25, 2007
Alan Watt on WTPRN - original broadcast date: November 22, 2007

November 23, 2007 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: November 12, 14, 16, 19, 2007

November 16, 2007 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast dates: October 25, November 05, 07, 2007

November 09, 2007 - Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: November 05, 2007
Joseph P. Farrell on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 01, 2007
Stewart Swerdlow on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: November 04, 2007

November 02, 2007 - Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: October 25, 2007
David Icke on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: October 28, 2007

October 26, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

October 19, 2007 - Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: October 14, 2007

October 12, 2007 - Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: October 09, 2007
Alan Watt on RBN - original broadcast date: October 05, 2007

October 05, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

September 28, 2007 - Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: September 20, 2007

September 21, 2007 - Gregg Braden on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: September 13, 2007

September 14, 2007 - The Jeff Rense Program - original broadcast date: September 11, 2007
David Hatcher Childress on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: September 06, 2007

September 07, 2007 - Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: September 02, 2007
Donald E. Scott on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: September 02, 2007

August 31, 2007 - Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 26, 2007
Alan Watt on Bill Deagle - original broadcast date: August 21, 2007
Alan Watt on Feet to the Fire- original broadcast date: August 19, 2007
Alan Watt on Truth Hertz - original broadcast date: August 17, 2007

August 24, 2007 - Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: August 21, 2007
Dr. Ann Blake-Tracy on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 19, 2007

August 17, 2007 - Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: August 15, 2007
Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 16, 2007
Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 12, 2007

August 10, 2007 - Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast dates: August 09, 10, 2007
Lloyd Pye on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 09, 2007

August 03, 2007 - Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: August 03, 2007
Peter Levenda on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast dates: July 22, 29, 2007
Michael Cremo on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: July 27, 2007
Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: August 02, 2007

July 27, 2007 - BinRev: 186
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast dates: July 06, 25, 2007
A.J Bruno on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: July 19, 2007

July 20, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

July 13, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

July 06, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

June 29, 2007 - Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: June 21, 2007
Alex Jones on The Jeff Rense Program - original broadcast date: June 22, 2007
Timothy Leary - How To Operate Your Brain
Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: June 24, 2007
Sweet Trip - Velocity, Tekka - Velocity : Design : Comfort

June 22, 2007 - Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast dates: June 19, 20, 2007
Micheal Sunanda on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: June 14, 2007
Craig Hines on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: June 17, 2007
Stereolab - Jenny Ondioline, We Are Not Adult Oriented, We Are Not Adult Oriented (neu wave live)

June 15, 2007 - Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: May 17, 2007
Alex Jones on Coast-To-Coast AM with George Noory - original broadcast date: May 30, 2007
Jake Kotze on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: May 31, 2007
Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: June 03, 2007
Tom Horn on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: June 07, 2007
Michael Sharp on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: June 10, 2007

June 08, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

June 01, 2007 - 2600.COM: Off The Wall - original broadcast date: May 29, 2007
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: May 28, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast dates: May 29, 30, 2007

May 25, 2007 - Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: May 17, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: May 23, 2007
Sweet Trip - selections from Velocity : Design : Comfort

May 18, 2007 - Susan Joy Rennison on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: May 10, 2007
Matthew Delooze on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: May 13, 2007
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: May 14, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast dates: May 15, 16, 2007

May 11, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: May 07, 2007
2600.COM: Off The Hook - original broadcast date: May 02, 2007
Phillip & Paul Collins on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 26, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: May 08, 2007
Lynne McKtaggart on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: May 03, 2007
Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 29, 2007
Roger Waters: Perfect Sense Part I, Perfect Sense Part II, The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range from Amused To Death

May 04, 2007 - Dinosaur Lightning - Oh Nine Eff Nine
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: April 30, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast dates: April 30 and May 01, 2007
Jim Marrs on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 22, 2007
Phillip & Paul Collins on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 26, 2007

April 27, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: April 23, 2007
Joseph P. Farrell on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 15, 2007
Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 19, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: April 25, 2007
2600.COM: Off The Hook - original broadcast date: April 25, 2007
Money As Debt: a GoogleVideo
Douglas Idugboe, author of Credit Miracle for Canadians: a GoogleVideo
Ministry: Rio Grande Blood

April 20, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: April 16, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast dates: April 16, 17, 2007
Mike Hagan from RadiOrbit on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: April 12, 2007
NOFX - The Decline

April 13, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: April 09, 2007
Alex Jones Radio Show - original broadcast date: April 09, 2007

April 06, 2007 - Alex Jones Weekly Radio Show - original broadcast date: April 01, 2007
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: April 02, 2007

March 30, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast dates: March 19, 26, 2007
Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: March 25, 2007

March 23, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: March 12, 2007
Michael Tsarion on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: March 15, 2007

March 16, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: March 05, 2007
2600.COM: Off The Hook - original broadcast date: March 11, 2007

NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast dates: February 19, 26, 2007
Alex Jones Weekly Radio Show - original broadcast date: March 04, 2007

March 02, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

February 23, 2007 - Repeat of previous broadcast

February 16, 2007 - Democracy Now! - original broadcast date: February 12, 2007
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: February 12, 2007

February 09, 2007 - The Resonator Twins in conversation with Cadillac Bill
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: February 05, 2007

February 02, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: January 29, 2007
Alan Watt on Red Ice Creations - original broadcast date: January 28, 2007
23C3 Conference: On Free / The GnuStallmans: Free Software Song

January 26, 2007 - NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: January 22, 2007
2600.COM: Off The Hook - original broadcast date: January 17, 2007

January 19, 2007 - 2600.COM: Off The Hook - original broadcast date: January 03, 2007
NewsReal Featuring Sean Kennedy - original broadcast date: January 15, 2007

January 12, 2007 - Fritz Springmeier: Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines

January 05, 2007 - The Resonator Twins in conversation with Cadillac Bill

December 29, 2006 - David Icke: Ruled By The Gods

December 22, 2006 - Alex Jones Weekly Radio Show - original broadcast date: December 17, 2006
Terrance McKenna : Seattle 2000

December 15, 2006 - Eckhart Tolle: Practicing The Power Of Now

December 08, 2006 - Michael Tsarion: 2012 The Future Of Mankind, recorded at the Granada Forums

December 01, 2006 - Steve Rambam: Privacy Is Dead - Get Over It, recorded at HOPE 2006 "Final HOPE"

November 24, 2006 - ACLU: Busted: A Citizen's Guide To Police Encounters
Alex Jones: radio caller segment / Alan Watt

November 17, 2006 - Michael Tsarion: The Destruction Of Atlantis

November 10, 2006 - Alex Jones: Terrorstorm

November 03, 2006 - David Icke: Secrets Of The Matrix (3)

October 27, 2006 - David Icke: Secrets Of The Matrix (2)

October 20, 2006 - David Icke: Secrets Of The Matrix (1)

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