Shut down for renovations until July 2005....

Like any band, the guys in the BackStreet Boys are all individuals. They come from different backgrounds, different circumstances, different parts of the US. But when they get together, between them they have some magical ingredients. Not only could they harmonize - and if anyone thinks they can't sing, hear them go at it a capella on a radio show sometime! - but they have something very few posses. Call it charisma, star quality, anything you want, but BSB have it to spare. They all got into it because it was what they wanted to do. BSB AREN'T a manufactured group. AJ, Nick, and Howie were singing together long before there was any sort of success. They did it because they loved music and loved to sing. And when Kevin joined, and then Brian, they had exactly the right balance of voices and harmonies. But they're still doing it for the same reasons - the love of music and singing. It's just that instead of entertaining themselves, these days they're doing it for thousands of people at each show. But the BackStreet Boys are five very different guys, all of whom bring very different things to the band. Find out about each of them, and you'll begin to get an idea of what makes BackStreet tick........
© Anna Louise Golden author of "BackStreet Boys- They've got it goin on" ©

After a five year break to concentrate on solo adventures and family the BackStreet Boys have released Never Gone. Due to the huge success of my site during the peak time of the BSB, I have decided to update it to the year 2005 and bring you a new look at the old BSB and what got them started in the first place. Coming Soon to a computer near you............

All information on this site is © and ® trademarks of Jive Records, The Firm, Zomba Productions, BMG Records Canada, BackStreet,, as well as some information is © of BackStreet BackStage 1996-2004.

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