Frequently Asked Questions...
For further band information, please visit Ysorie and Slippy's I Mother Earth Page!
This FAQ is created and maintained by Slippy to end all those oft-asked I Mother Earth questions once and for all! It is made in a black and white format for easy, convenient reading. If you have any other burning IME questions, please send them in and I will do my best to find out the answer and post them on this page.
New Facts!!
Who is Nigel?
Why does Jag have a marriage ring?
Christian's Birthday
When did I Mother Earth first form?
The band formed around 1990 when brothers Jagori and Christian Tanna joined forces, with Jag on guitar and Chris on drums. They later met Edwin through a mutual associate, and worked on some songs together, met then again a while later and decided to form a band. Their bass player at the time, Franz, wasn't working out for them, so the three snagged Bruce Gordon from his breaking-up band and I Mother Earth was complete.
Where did I Mother Earth get its name from?
Unlike many bands, the name "I Mother Earth" doesn't hold any deep meaning for its members. When still unsigned, the band just really needed a name, and Jagori thought of it one time during rehearsal, and it stuck.
Who are its members?
The members currently are Jagori Tanna, Bruce Gordon, and Christian Tanna. A former member of the band was Edwin, who split forces from the band in the spring of 1997.
What is the musical role of each band member?
Jagori Tanna - Guitar & Backing Vocals
Bruce Gordon - Bass
Christian Tanna - Drums
Former member Edwin was the band's lead singer. A new singer's name has not been released by the band, but they are currently looking for one.
Who writes all the music and lyrics?
Christian Tanna writes all of I Mother Earth's song lyrics, and the whole band collaborates on the music, although they have admitted that Jagori wrote about 80% of the music in "Scenery and Fish".
What releases have there been?
LP's: "Dig" (released Summer 1993) & "Scenery and Fish" (released April 23, 1996)
From "Dig": "Levitate", "Rain Will Fall", "Not Quite Sonic", "So Gently We Go"
From "Scenery and Fish": "One More Astronaut", "Another Sunday", "Used To Be Alright", and "Raspberry".
Also released:
"Dig" U.K. EP featuring "Levitate", "Rain Will Fall", "No One", "Basketball", and two tracks not released outside of the U.K., those being "Love From Revolution" and "Subterranean Wonderland"
"One More Astronaut" SP including the "Wrong" b-side
For all the release information, I suggest you try here.
Who produced both LP's?
Mike Clink produced "Dig", and Paul Northfield co-produced "Scenery and Fish" with Jagori Tanna.
Who are I Mother Earth's additional musicians?
Additional percussion on "Dig" was given by Armando Borg and Luis Conte, and Hammond B3 by Mike Finnigan. Additional percussion on "Scenery and Fish" was given by Daniel Mansilla and Luis Conte, the latter of which did most of the percussion in the studio. Mansilla is their touring percussionist. Kenny Pearson adds the Hammond Organ on "Scenery and Fish".
What is the longest I Mother Earth song?
"The Universe In You" from "Dig", clocking in at 8:19 minutes on the LP. I Mother Earth is well known for their extended live jams, and play times of each songs vary in concert.
Is there an official I Mother Earth web-page?
Indeed there is! It is located at and run by Mike Hyttinen. The band used to have their official site at, but bought the domain when too many fans visited each day.
Can I contact I Mother Earth?
Yes! You can write all fanmail to this address:
IME Headquarters
152 Carlton Street
P.O. Box 92529
Toronto, ON M5A 4N9
You can also write the band e-mail at:
Please remember, no replies are guaranteed, as the band does not have enought time to reply to every single letter written to them. However, if you'd like to be a part of the Official I Mother Earth Fanclub, read the next question...
Is there an Official I Mother Earth Fanclub?
Yes! To join the Fanclub, please write to IME Headquarters and include $15 ($CAN) to receive a laminated, autographed picture of the band, a sticker, a V.I.P. Fanclub Laminate, Personal Biographies on the band members, a special fanzine and more.
There is also a brand spanking new I Mother Earth Fanzine, which was created by a fellow fan! For further information, please contact the IME Headquarters, or send e-mail to
Is there a mailing list?
Yes, there is. To join, send an e-mail message to with the words 'SUBSCRIBE levitate-list' in the body of the message. To unsubscribe, simply send another message with 'UNSUBSCRIBE levitate-list' in the body. Check out the Official I Mother Earth page for some good advice on the mailing list...
Why did Edwin leave the band?
Edwin parted ways from the band because of "musical differences", contrary to the belief that the band was not getting along well, or that other members wanted him to quit. I will not disclose my personal views on this issue; however, a press release statement was given by the band's management. It used to be posted on the Official I Mother Earth site, but it is no longer posted, so you will just have to settle with the knowledge that it was very official sounding and used a lot of big words!
If Edwin is leaving, does that mean I Mother Earth is breaking up?
No!! The band is merely looking for a new lead singer, and are continuing with their musical career.
Is Edwin pursuing a solo career?
Many rumours have been spread that Edwin is going solo, but as of yet, nothing official has been stated by the band's management or Edwin himself. I just don't have enough information to answer this question at the moment.
What is Edwin's last name?
No one knows this for sure, as he goes by first name only. I have heard everything from Sneller to MacIntosh, so your guess is as good as anyone else's. All I know is that he is set on not revealing this bit of information now or anytime in the near future.
Where were both LP's recorded?
Recording for "Dig" took place in Los Angeles at A & M Studios (I think that's the name of it), and "Scenery And Fish" was recorded at Studio Morin Heights in Quebec.
What label are I Mother Earth on?
Currently I Mother Earth are not signed to any label. In the past, they have been associated with Capitol and EMI Music Canada. At the moment, they are in negotiations with EMI Music Canada for their forthcoming album. (This information was supplied by someone who wishes to remain annonymous. You know who you are!)
Where do I Mother Earth get their musical influences?
That's a hard one to answer. In past interviews, I have often heard Van Halen, U2, and also Carlos Santana, who was known for his percussion skills and long jams, something that I Mother Earth is known for.
In the song "Earth, Sky & C.", what does the C stand for?
Carlos Santana. Jagori wanted to pay tribute to his greatest inspiration and musical influence. In the CD booklet of "Scenery and Fish", at the end this song, he writes the following: CARLOS, GRACIAS POR SER NUESTRO PEZ FAVORITO. According to Bob Menzies, this means: "Carlos, thank you, this is our favorite fish". At first I didn't understand this, but the album is called "Scenery & Fish", and after I realized that, it didn't take too long to put two and two together. Thanks to Bob for sending in the translation!
How many videos did I Mother Earth make?
Eight all together. From "Dig" the videos "Levitate", "Rain Will Fall", "Not Quite Sonic", and "So Gently We Go". From "Scenery and Fish" the videos "One More Astronaut", "Another Sunday", "Used To Be Alright", and "Raspberry".
Where were each of these videos shot?
Levitate - At a live I Mother Earth concert at Lee's Palace, Toronto
Rain Will Fall - Mexico
Not Quite Sonic - In a park in Toronto
So Gently We Go - Outdoor facilities in Seattle and Los Angeles
One More Astronaut - In a field in California
Another Sunday - In a studio in Toronto, near the Lakeshore
Used To Be Alright - In New Orleans for all the outdoor shots, at a concet in Toronto for all the live shots
Raspberry - In "Blackwell Studio" in Toronto. The set was made to look like a men's washroom.
This information was partially supplied to me by someone who wishes to remain annonymous to others, but I appreciate the help! Thanks!
What is that weird-looking creature in the video for "Not Quite Sonic"?
That weird thing would be a dalmation dog with an outdated gas-mask on it's head, just like the band members. (These guys are nuts!) It is the same "weird thing" that is on the front cover of "Dig".
What is this about the band finding something of interest during their video shoot for "Rain Will Fall"?
This is actually rather interesting! During the shoot for their video in a Mexican desert, the band found a DEAD BODY! I don't know the exact details of their find, but this is what I read somewhere in an interview.
Which of the two LP's is Enhanced?
That would be "Scenery and Fish". An Enhanced CD means that if you have a computer with a CD-ROM, you can load a couple of files that are imbedded into the disc, and see some pretty pictures, a bio, hear a few tunes, and watch a video!
Is there a secret video on the Enhanced CD?
The fact that I even wrote this question in the FAQ should tell you that there is! It's up to you to find it, however. It would just ruin it if I said exactly where it is.
Are there any I Mother Earth chat rooms on the Net?
There are two main chatrooms that I know about, although I hear that there are a few on some of the fanpages. The two most-frequented ones by fans and occasionally Bruce Gordon are located at the official page's chat site and on IRC. To get onto the IRC channel, simply download IRC from a place on the Net - I recommend mIRC - and join any EFnet server through the program. Once you're on-line, you can join #ime and be hip and happenin' with other fans!
Who is Nigel?
Nigel is Jag's loveable cat! He is a sandy, gray/brown tabby, so if you were ever wondering if Jag was a dog or a cat person, there's your answer!
Who is this mysterious "Crackerboy" that the band keeps talking about?
That would be Chris' drum tech, Jeff, but the band insists on calling him nothing but Crackerboy. It is alleged that this name alludes to an incident that happened in the U.S. while on tour, something having to do with firecrackers. It is up to your imagination to figure out the incident! (Thanks again to my annonymous source for part of this information.)
What does the band call Daniel Mansilla?
Daniel "The Gorilla" Mansilla. According to Chris Tanna, he was also a world-famous wrestler in Chile. (wink, wink)
When was each one of the band members born?
Christian Tanna - October 23, 19??
Thanks to Liz for part of this informatkon!
Are Chris and Jagori brothers?
As the name implies, yes. Jagori is actually the younger brother of the two.
Is Tanna their real last name?
Speculations have been made about their last names, and it is rumoured that they assumed this name from their influence, Carlos SanTANA; however, neither brother has ever confirmed [or denied] this.
(Hey, I didn't say a THING!)
Were all members born in Canada?
All members were born in Canada in the Toronto area except for Bruce, who was born in Whetstone, England, and moved to Canada with his family when he was five; however, he is now a legal Canadian citizen.
Have any band members done any side projects?
Yes. Edwin sang the songs "Don't Care", "Sending A Warning", "The Big Dance", "I Am the Spirit", and did the background vocals of "At the End" for the band Victor, Alex Lifeson's (frontman of Rush) side-project band. Thanks to Kristi B. for these details! For more information, please visit the Personal Voodoo page. The band also scored the music for the opening sequence of "Loud", an occasional music program on Much Music.
Who have I Mother Earth toured with in the past?
I'm not sure of every single band that I Mother Earth has shared a stage with, but here are a few that I know of: Our Lady Peace, Glueleg, Stabbing Westward, Mudgirl, Moist, Primus, Tool, Porno For Pyros, Salmonblaster, and I think also Frontline Assembly, although I could be wrong about that one.
Has I Mother Earth won any special awards?
Of course! Dig went Platinum recently (it was gold when released), and Scenery & Fish is almost triple-platinum (as told in the press release when Edwin left). Thanks to Wildchild for this information! They also won a Juno Award for Best Hard Rock Album for "Dig", and were nominated for two Juno Awards in 1997, including North Star Album of the Year for "Scenery and Fish", and Band of the Year for their over-all achievement. They also won as Best Group at the 1996 Much Music Awards.
What is "Mothership Sound"?
This is a studio that Jagori Tanna co-created with Stefano DelMedico and some other people. Jagori says it is ideal for small bands that are just starting out, and also for bands who want to remix their songs. You can find out all about Mothership Sound at their website.
When is their next record going to be released and what will it be called?
Nothing official has been said about the band's third LP, but when I met Chris recently in Vancouver at Music West, he said they were in the process of writing new songs. The best thing to do is to keep checking the official website for all the latest news.
Why does Jag wear a ring around his wedding finger?
His girlfriend gave him a claddaugh ring because he is half Irish. When worn on your wedding finger, it means that you are taken - not necessarily married - but taken.
Who writes all the Tour Journals for the Official site?
That would be the ever-so-fan-oriented Bruce Gordon! Actually, the whole band is extremely fan oriented, and really go out of their way for the people that love their music. Bruce is also known to occasionally sign fan webpages, as he is the most computer-literate of the bunch.
Do any of the band members have any body piercings or tattoos?
Well, funny you should ask! Christian Tanna has a ring though his septum, which is that little part in between your nostrils, Jagori has both ears pierced, his nose, tongue, and his right NIPPLE as well, and Edwin has an earring in his left ear and a ring tattoo around his right bicep. (They might have other tattoos or piercings on other parts of their bodies, but nothing that I or any other normal fan would know about!)
Bob Menzies
This FAQ has been visited
Jagori Tanna - April 19, 19??
Bruce Gordon - August 8, 19??
Former member Edwin - September 9 - 19??
an annonymous source
Kristi B.
Liz Cacciacarro
times since August 8, 1997!
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